Vol 2 - Chapter 8 [Rescue Operation!]

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In one part of the Dormant Kingdom, a nest was spotted near the border between Dormant Kingdom and Saiga Kingdom, a nest of a joint force between orc, goblin, and lizardous. The origin of this incident is still unknown for the people in the kingdom. The only people that know about it are the adventurers.

In the capital city of Dormant Kingdom, Sakral City, there is a faction called 'Monster Subjugator' visiting the guild in the city. The leader of that faction is a girl called Lida Hearthstone. While talking among her members, they made some plans to solve this problem. Since the nest is in the Dormant Kingdom, the leader, Lida, needs to report it to the guild, which she did.

Soon, the report reaches the knight in the kingdom and finally reaches the king's ear. The report stated that a group of adventurers found a nest of joint monsters in the kingdom and asked for permission to act according to the situation. Of course, they also ask for recognition in their act by the kingdom.

"My Lord, according to the report, the joint monsters are orc, goblin, and lizardous. Considering their individual power, they are not that big of a deal, but for a joint force with this composition, I cannot make random assumptions since I myself lack the experience with this kind of incident. I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge!"

"No, it is fine, Sir Vian. What about others' opinions?"

"Sorry for my rudeness, My Lord, but according to this report and the 'lack experience' of the royal knight, I think we can send the royal knight to help the adventurer and gains experience on this incident, so the next time this kind of thing happens, we can immediately solve it"

"That is a good suggestion, Sir Ragondi, I will keep that for now, what about the other?"

"My Lord, since the suggestion is to send the royal knight to help, it would be best to just send the holy knight since they are specialist in monster subjugation"

"I agree with Mother Daria here, there is also another reason to just send the holy knight to help, which is to prevent a possibility that this joint monster was done to distract our attention. So, it is better to keep the royal knight around the city for some unexpected things"

Each of the councils thinks thoroughly for the better result. Minimizing as much risk as they can is a better way to deal with such an unexpected incident like this one. In the palace, although it was quite late, they still made the time to do a meeting regarding the 'joint force' incident.

In the room, there are 5 people present; The King, the leader of the royal knight, the King's advisor, the holy knight maiden, and the military strategist. During the meeting, they are talking about how to solve this 'joint force' that they have never experienced before.

"Hmm... holy knight rather than royal knight... we might also need priests and healers... What about prevention of anti-magic?"

"Since the operation will start the day after tomorrow, we can ask Miss Vevein to prevent that. Of course, if after the scouting there are no urgent problems, the operation will start according to plan. But, if it is otherwise, we only could hope for the best that they didn't prepare such underhand method"

"Still, where is that old hag went to? Well, our military strategist, Sir Portan, and our holy maiden, Mother Daria, said it is better to send the holy knight according to this incident, we will proceed with that. Is there any objection?"

"""No, My Lord!"""

"Good! Tell the guild we will send the holy knight to help! Report immediately if there is something new! Everyone may leave!"


By the king's final decision, everyone left the room and did their own things. Only the King and the leader of the royal knight stayed in the room.

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