Vol 2 - Chapter 11 [To The Rescue]

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Several minutes later, we all arrived near the nest. We are in the middle of the woods, covered by bushes and trees around the nest. Of course, we took a spot where the enemy wasn't aware of our position. We actually made a detour around the nest, instead gathering at the north, where we came from the road, we circled around to the south where trees and bushes are thicker.

Then, without any more speech and complex command, Mother Daria and sis Lida command everyone with gestures first.

Archer takes the shot first. 30 – 40 arrows were shot with their command. Not just that, all mages started chanting their magic and a few seconds later, the enemy's nest rained down with a lot of explosions, thunder, and earthquakes.

With such bombardment, the enemy's number decreased by 200. With that, it signaled that the battle has begun. From my map, the rescue squad also started moving toward the building where the prince was being held down before.

Well, I said before, since right now, the prince and other hostages are under the basement in the building in the middle.

This is bad, it is bad, only if I'm not around that is. So, I altered their memory to choose the middle building. Altering other's memories is a crime, no matter what the reason is, so I'm not going to say that I have the right to do it for the sake of someone else, but I will say this once. As long as I'm not hurting others by doing this, I won't regard such an option.

Thus, the rescue squad swiftly went to the middle building with caution.

They took a safe route, avoiding all the monsters around the vicinity, and quickly got near the middle building. Right when they were able to see the building, they also saw another scene near that building. It was the breeding monster area.

Young and adult women were held captive and used as monster breeders. Goblins are known as the most disgusting monsters since they use other races to make babies for them by force.

Such a scene folded in front of the rescue squad, now, what are you guys going to do?


Waiting near the monster nest, taking a note for our escape route, and staying on guard from our surroundings, are what we are currently doing.

Incident about the second prince being held as hostage or prisoner at the monster nest, thus the knights were sent to rescue him. In order for the rescue operation to be successful, we divided the operation into 2 operations. First is our role as the [Rescue Squad] and the other one will be fighting head on with the enemy as distraction while we, the rescue squad, are doing our mission.

The rescue squad consists of 7 people, I'm the leader, I have the highest level of infiltration skills like [Light Step], [Hide Presence], and [Detection]. A skill to detect traps is also important, but I'm not focusing on that, on the other hand, one of the squad members has a high [Trap Detection] skill level.

"It's clear up ahead"

"Stay on guard! We'll enter as soon as the other side gives their signal!"


Ruki, the one that has [Trap Detection] skill, gave the report, so I reply, or more like reminding them, about our plan.

Soon, the other side started their role and bombarding the monster nest. After a few seconds, a fake explosion was mixed in, that is our signal.


Since right now we have to move silently but quickly, we all already use our skill right after the signal given to us. We cannot dilly-dally anymore. Making sure our surroundings were safe, we took a swift movement. If I'm not wrong, Mother Daria said it was the middle one, right?

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