Chapter 2

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Days went and came, and they turned into months, before Thor was finally back in the mansion.
It was his silent behavior and his tendency to stay locked in his bedroom what made the others think something had gone terribly wrong at Asgard, and finally pushed them into asking.
"It is not my wish to talk about that." He answered, growling.
"But..." Steve tried again. "What about Lo..."
"My brother." Thor cut the other's sentence with is own, looking up and past them. "Is no more." And, without another word, he rose to leave, just as a thunder roared outside.
The storm went on for days, as if their inquiries had been the key to unlock the God's emotion, sending them to roam free all over the sky. They had nothing against him venting out, until finally, after Tony being nearly struck by lightning on a routine mission, Steve drew the short straw and was forced to talk to him again, while the other Avengers stuck an ear to the living room's door.
"I am sorry, for what happened to Anthony. There is no need for a reprimand, Captain." Was the first thing they heard. Then, Steve's steps, as he walked to take a seat on the couch. "For I assure you it won't happen again."
"Tony is fine, Thor, it's not about that..." He started, clearly uncomfortable. "Or... Well, it is a bit about that. We want to help you."
"I am not in need of help."
"Oh, please! Just take a look outside, you are clearly troubled!" For the sake of drama, Tony pictured Steve, pointing at the stormy sky. "And you have all the right to be, after your brother..."
"Do not mention him." After Thor's dry command, silence spread on both sides, while the others waited, expectant.
"What happened, Thor?" They heard the God's heavy breathing, before he forced his voice out.
"They turned his back on him." He finally answered. "All of them."
"Not you."
"Of course not. But my power and will alone was not enough to spare him." Another second of nothing but breathing. "We drove him to it, friend Steve. Even myself."
"No you didn't." Steve's voice was firm and serious. "No one can drive you to anything. One is what one chooses to be."
"It is different. You had someone who had faith in you"
"So did he." Steve shuffled closer. "He had you."
Thor chuckled darkly. "I am afraid that is much like asking someone to lean on the wall they are whipped against." The Avengers ran for cover, when Thor's rough steps approached the door.
"We're friends, Thor. We are all here for each other."
"And I am most grateful for that."
The bigger blonde walked away, presumably back into his bedroom, and his teammates slipped soundlessly into the room, joining Steve.
Through the ceiling high windows, they noticed the clouds had lightened a bit, even though they were still there.
Tony poured himself a drink, leaning on the counter. Only now that Thor's issue had been partially taken care of did he let his own thoughts on the matter appear.
What came to his mind was the last time he had seen the now deceased Norse god, bound and gagged, staring back into his eyes.
He wondered briefly if Thor had been forced to witness his beloved brother's execution. If someone had dared to look into Loki's green eyes as he died, or if the last thing he saw were turned faces and glances avoiding his own.
Nothing happened until Thor's storm finally cleared, which still another good two months, and everything went back to normal.
It was nothing, really. In fact, it was too casual Tony didn't give it any thought until way later, after getting home, taking the suit off and sipping his first scotch of the night.
He had been patrolling the city, and, just for shits and giggles, he decided to hover over some park, for the children's delight and his own ego's boost. He scanned the crowd once, in search of any peculiar behavior, and flew away.
It was just now, lying down on the common room's couch that it came back to him.
"Jarvis" He called almost automatically.
"Yes, sir?" The computer's voice answered immediately.
"Do you have the recordings of today's patrolling?"
"Yes sir. Would you like me to play them now?"
"That's why I love you, Jarv." The screen located in front of the couch lit up, showing a dizzying view of the city, as recorded by the cameras installed in the IronMan's temples, and Tony watched for a few seconds, wondering how his senses survived this. "Go forward, Jarvis. I want to see the park."
The speed of the video increased, as Jarvis fast-forwarded it until the green square with brightly colored dots flashed in. Once again, Tony saw the city shake as he nodded, and flash past him as he sped down, finally hovering over the crowd. His eyes narrowed, as his in-screen self looked at the crowd, knowing what he'd find.
"Pause it Jarvis, now." He ordered, trying to keep his voice under control.
His chest, however, heaved fast, his breathing speeding up as his hand clenched tightly around his ice-cold glass. Because it couldn't be true; It had to be a coincidence... And yet the way those eyes bore into him even through the screen... Tony dropped his glass on a nearby coffee table, gripping his head. Impossible.
And yet, when he finally looked up again, Loki Laufeyson still stood there in the crowd, looking straight up at him.

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