Chapter 12

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It was a bright, sunny and fresh day, and Tony Stark stopped in his tracks, his grip tight around the handle of a secured, long case.

He was about to commit theft.

He took a second to breathe deeply, and assure himself of the quality of the replica in the case. He had spent days hunched over the prototype of the fake Chitauri scepter, sometimes with Thor patrolling the tower, sometimes heavily poked by Loki's "good natured advice", that he knew every inch by heart.

In the end, it was identical down to the last detail, according to Loki, who thankfully enough had given up on wearing the bandana when he was present.

The last touch had been... Poetic. An inspiration, a soft detail, albeit a much needed one.

"I need you to give it some magic."

Loki had raised an eyebrow, disbelieving."I thought I had been clear enough, Stark. My magic is completely different to that which powers the scepter..." And he had stopped, when Tony had curled his lips into a smile.

"I know that. You know that. Now Thor knows that." He had gestured to the blond he'd brought to the meeting. "But S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't. And they won't have a clue until they hire a magic specialist. But that time, I expect us to have finished the research and returned it."

At this, Thor had leaned forward, clearing his throat.

"I must let you know how strongly I disagree with this act, my friend. I'm sure the Son of Coul would let us get the scepter out if you asked honorably, instead of recurring to cheating like..."

"Well, Thor... Some do battle, some do tricks." Loki had interrupted him, voice cold, but a hint of amusement in his eyes. Thor had stared at him in disbelief, and let out a hearty laugh.

"You said it, brother." And his gaze had turned to Tony. "This is why I'm here, I assume?"

The human had nodded."Can you do it, Loks? If Thor gives you the power?"

The god in question had huffed. "Trust me, Stark. You haven't seen anything."

Now, the false scepter glowed softly on its own, and Tony had a God of Lies approved excuse for checking the heavily guarded original.

"Everything is calmed, my friend. You may proceed." Thor's voice boomed in his ear, through the hidden earphone. "... I must thank you profusely, Anthony, for what you have risked for my brother. You are a true friend, know that"

Tony smiled, rolling his eyes. "It's ok, big guy. Loki is a pain in the ass, but watch him frustrated and powerless is hilarious."

"You are one mischievous human being, my friend."

Tony chuckled in the microphone, and presented his identification card to the lector in the automatic door.

The metal plate slid soundlessly to the side, and he stepped inside. And froze.

A thousand curses ran through his head, as Steve's eyes widened with surprise when he spotted him.

"Tony? What are you doing here?"

Feeling his muscles pull like wire, he forced a smile to counter the blond's.

"They're finally letting me check the scepter. I wouldn't waste the chance."

Steve's eyebrows rose. "Really? Coulson said it's still guarded..."

"It is." Tony shook his head. "I'll never know how Pepper does it. I swear I think she's selling the company without me noticing."

Steve laughed. "Careful, then." And he patted Tony's shoulder, before leaving. Tony let out his breath, relieved.

Being who he was, Tony had rarely ever needed to lie. Instead, he had perfected the art of looking like he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

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