Chapter 23

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It started with a punch. Or maybe something else ended with it.

Whichever it was, there was a punch involved.

Long-lived as he was, Loki had received his fair share of punches. Having grown up with Thor, he couldn't really say it had been the hardest he'd got. But damn, Barton really did know how to punch.

Had he been human Loki had no doubt he'd have been knocked out.

"Classy, Barton."

Clint cracked his knuckles.

"It had to be done."

"I will give you that."

Silence ensued for a moment, while Loki pondered what exactly did Clint want from him and the human, across the room, did the same. Loki even had time to resent the fact that his apartment was now officially Avengers-allowing.

"What are you doing here?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Hiding. I thought you had all been informed."

"I'm surprised you didn't try to contact me first."

"I'm surprised you dared facing me alone."

Clint huffed. "I know you can't control me anymore."

"There you go." And the god leaned back on the couch.

"Besides, I can't say I actively tried to contact with any of you. Tony is just a persistent, stubborn meddler."

"Yes, that's my next point."

Only a blink later, Loki found himself cornered against the backrest, the edge of a knife pressed firmly to his throat.

"I don't know what your game is. And I couldn't give less of a shit. But I'm warning you." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "You do as much as lift a finger to hurt my teammates in any way, and I will deal with you personally. Not Thor. Not Tony. Not... Man, you don't even mess with Jarvis on my watch, got it?"

Loki clenched his teeth together.

"I believe, Agent Barton" He brought his hand up slowly, and clamped it shut around Clint's wrists. Not strongly enough to crush his weak mortal bones, but to lightly bruise the area. Just a reminder. A warning for a warning. "That you seem to have forgotten who has the authority here."

"I've been wounded before, sir." Clint hissed back, embedding the title in a mocking tone. "But I believe you know perfectly well that I'm capable of dealing quite a fair amount of damage before I'm downed." He shook his hand, and Loki let his wrist go, with a roll of his eyes. "I will be watching you."

"Ah, Barton... Your lack of trust in your former master wrenches my heart."

Clint smirked.

"I'd say it's nothing personal except that, you know, it totally is."

"What a shame... You and I could've share such a particular friendship..."

"Well, fuck you."

Thor hummed contently under the sun.

He had taken possession of a high rooftop for the day. He watched over New York with fondness, glad that it was safe, and that it held nearly everything he considered dear.

He wished, not for the first time, that Jane come and live with him. But his was a fierce and determined lady, dedicated to her discoveries, and he wouldn't love her the same if that wasn't the case.

Suddenly, the air all around him thickened noticeably, bringing him the scent of something he knew but couldn't place at the moment. However, both the feeling and the scent were gone so quickly he couldn't even be sure it had been real.

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