Chapter 19

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"... Will you even let me try to explain?" Tony spoke with his eyes glued to the second arrow charge into the practice bow in Clint's hands.

"I'd rather not." The archer muttered, glaring.

"Breathe, birdie..."

"DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHO'S BEHIND YOU?!" Tony winced lightly when Clint seemingly lost it. "Move"

"Ehm... Nope."


"Back to that, Barton?" He raised an eyebrow, pretending to be calmed even when his heart raced. "I know what I'm doing, Clint."

"Well, I think..." However, whatever Clint thought was interrupted by a heavy set of steps, and sure enough, Thor came in sight short after, Mjölnir in his grasp, and he stepped up in between Clint and Tony.

"Friend Clint.."

The glare the brunet shot the Norse was positively venomous.

"I should've seen this one coming..."

"Clint, really, calm down."

"I'M NOT-"

"I can't harm you." It seemed as if just the sound of Loki's voice had rendered Clint speechless, and it suddenly occurred to Tony that he didn't have a clue about what had happened in Clint's head when he had been controlled. "And I can't control you again, either. It's gone." His words were followed by silence, Thor shooting a glance over his shoulder at him, and Tony jumped on the chance.

"See? You're good. I'm good."

"Excuse me, last time he had your neck you went on a one way trip down the tower." Clint's hands had not left the bow, but at least he risked a glance at Tony as he spoke.

"Not this time, I swear." And he looked over his shoulder at the hunched god under the table. "I hope. Will you hear us out?"

"You do know Natasha's going to find out, don't you?"

"Of course he knows." A new voice echoed in the workshop. "That's why I brought her."

And Tony felt his balls begin to recede into his body, because telling Clint was one thing and telling Natasha Fucking Romanoff was something completely different what the hell was Steve thinking?

He glared at the blond when he walked in, followed closely by Natasha. He greeted her with a gesture, which she answered with a steady, expressionless gaze that only wavered for a second, when she recognized the extra limbs from under the table.

"This better be good." Was all she said.

"Let's take this upstairs." Steve proposed.

"Let's not." Tony intervened, sending him another glare that addressed the 'my workshop is no bugged' issue very clearly. The blond cleared his throat.

"Fine. But I think it would be better if... It was only us, you know?"

"He's not going off my sight." Clint snarled.

"Chill, birdie. I'll get him to my floor, and Jarvis will lock the exits." And he climbed to his feet slowly, thanking the shield Thor provided when he offered a hand to the fallen god.

"Do you honestly think that can stop him?"

He pushed Loki toward the exit when he noticed Clint's hands tensing on the bow again.

"That's part of what we have to discuss." Steve intervened, and Tony used the distraction to push Loki into his personal elevator.

"This is... Not what I had planned." Loki muttered.

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