Chapter 21

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If he paid no mind to details, Tony could say he was living a dream life, now more than ever.

He kinda-sorta dated a hottie -a male, alien one, but since when had Tony Stark been one to complain about a little diversity?- his company was as successful as ever, he was as healthy as he would ever get to be -if one was willing to ignore the shrapnel in the chest thing.- and he was currently speeding down a hill in one of his expensive sport cars.

On the copilot's seat, Loki let a sigh through.

"Enjoying yourself, Sweetcheeks?"

Loki shrugged. "I feel compelled to say yes, if this is truly the fastest your carriage can go."

He knew he shouldn't let himself be tempted by Loki, he really knew.

But he just couldn't deny a challenge that was presented to him by a mouth that looked so sinfully delicious when smirking down at him.

He sped up.

The "meeting" had lasted on longer than it should have, dragging up through the evening. Loki paced the many living rooms of the hotel before he chose one to stay in, and he sat down on a fluffy couch.

His phone buzzed, and he pulled it out lazily. It wasn't as if he didn't know the identity of the caller.


"How has your journey been?" Of course he'd like to know, wouldn't he? Loki rolled his eyes

"I don't recall granting you my permission to contact me this freely."

"I could always travel to where you are, to make sure you are safe, brother."

Loki winced and changed strategies.

"Oh, there is no need for that. I must assure you that my journey has been most enjoyable" He smirked when Thor groaned through the line.


"You see, the downside of inquiring about my deals is that you might actually find out." He couldn't help a grin.

"I wouldn't question you if I had no interest, Loki." He cleared his throat. "I just... did not expect it to be related to your... Intimacies."

"Is there even a way to make you uncomfortable, Thor? Leave me alone."

"Are you lying, then?"

"I might be. I might not." He huffed. "I'm going to hang up now."

"Fine, brother... Just... Be back soon. I will not be at ease until we have managed the Chitauri threat."

"I know how to take care of myself."

"I know, brother." Loki's finger hovered over the red sign. "But I am here."

He cut the call.

He knew he should have done it before.

His head leaned on the couch's backrest, and he sighed.


When he rose from the couch a moment later, he shook his head and ignored the feeling of the resigned smile that crept up his face.

He'd been mostly in peace for over a month. The Chitauri had given no sign of presence, and he was free to move in and out of the tower (something he did often just to pester the other Avengers.)

But even with his newfound freedom, life had taken a turn for the boring.

He had read every midgardian book that had claimed his interest, tried food after food, and even, much to Tony's amusement, allowed Thor to goad him into visiting a theme park. Three days later and he still swore he reeked of sweaty midgardian children.

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