Chapter 29

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As predicted, the perimeter of the hideout was boiling in S.H.I.E.L.D. agents by the time they arrived. At least thirty men on sight, but Natasha pointed to a few broken windows and they decided to double the number, just in case.

"They know you broke him out." The spy muttered, caressing her gun as if measuring the men between her and the entrance.

"Well there weren't many choices to begin with, were they?" Bruce answered in a whisper. "What's the plan?"

Loki took a step forward. Bruce frowned.

"One would think your father would've taken measures to make sure you weren't able to drop fifty men with a shake of your hand."

"He did." The god smirked, and pushed a hand firmly between Thor's shoulder blades. Five seconds later no man stood in their way.

"Did you-"

"They're sleeping." Loki answered Steve's question before he could finish it.

"Trying to get into my team's good side, Loks?" Tony teased. Loki rolled his eyes and walked into the park first. When they found him again, he stood unmoving a couple steps away from the sealed entrance. Steve passed him.

"Weapons ready." He ordered, steadying his grip on his gun and shield. "Thor and Loki, if you can get your hands on one, try and get them to tell you where Clint is. The rest of us, shoot to kill, are we clear?" He asked to no one in particular. The team nodded and assumed positions.

Tony checked the suit's stats once more, before Thor reached forward and rested his hand on the stone to open it.

They stiffened.

The entrance of the burrow looked grim and unwelcoming, but otherwise not particularly menacing. Taking a deep breath, Steve walked in first, followed by Thor. Bruce sent a last worried glance back, before following as well, no doubt still uncomfortable. Hulking out was his last resource, but he hadn't quite been able to choose staying safely in the tower over going in to retrieve Clint.

Loki hadn't moved an inch, and when he noticed, Tony walked back to him. Out the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Natasha standing at the edge of the burrow with her gun firmly fisted. He began suppressing a smile, but any hint of it faded the moment he noticed Loki's solemn expression.

"Let's go, sweetcheeks. We've got to find birdie and shoot some aliens in the head." He tried, but Loki didn't smile. Instead, his hand raised as if to land on his shoulder, but at the last moment he let it drift back down, barely grazing the suit's chest. His eyes seemed to see through him, and Tony fought the urge to fidget. "I planned on giving you this inside, but maybe now's the time?" he asked, and almost flinched when Loki's stare returned to full focus and targeted the object in his hand.

"How in the nine realms did that get into your hands?"

He felt the hints of a smile. The god looked like a child caught red-handed.

"Thor brought it back when he checked the apartment. he said it was the only non-harmed thing, and that he'd seen you store energy in stuff like this before. So? Was this your plan B, babe?"

"Caution has never killed anyone." Loki dismissed his accusation, and pushed it back to him. "Keep it. If you stay close to me I should be able to reach for its energy. If I take it with me and get in a fight, it could empower my enemies."

"Fine... Loks?"


"Everything alright?"

Loki's eyes narrowed, and his expression turned even darker, if possible.

"I'm sure you know the possibility that I get caught is quite high, given that they manage to separate me from Thor and outnumber me significantly." He started. Tony wanted to turn his back on him and walk into the burrow right then because he knew what it was about, but the god had him pinned on the spot. "If it comes to that... I expect you to take the necessary measures."

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