Chapter 22

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Humans were simple. Really.

Food, power and sex, and they were sated. Truth to be told, Loki was currently perfectly pleased having all those three, but that was not the point.

The point was that humans were simple, and he was not.

Or at least this was he lie he told himself as he walked into the empty penthouse for the second time that week. He fought the urge to kick the expensive couch through the window and stormed back out instead. This was revenge he was sure, for his own disappearance and reluctance to talk. But just who did Tony Stark think he was to try and take revenge on a god?

He sighed.

His need to blow off steam overpowered his pride and led him into the elevator, as his mind was forced to face the truth.

His little mortal was pointedly avoiding him.

Thor opened his door on the second knock and found Loki standing outside, an expression on his face that usually meant someone was about to lose their head.


"Spar with me."

The blond frowned.

"... Would you take me for a coward if I asked you that there be no weapons involved? The scar from your little dagger tri..."

"I don't care, Thor! If you want to spar with cushions and rubber swords so be it, but if you refuse I swear on your Father I'm going to burn the tower down." Loki interrupted him with a venomous hiss.

Thor held his hands between them. "Fine just..." He called Mjölnir to his hand (precaution wouldn't kill anyone, would it?) and off they went.

He had barely ever seen his brother seeping with such anger. He usually released it on some poor unsuspecting fool before it got to this extent. Now it was plain frustration, and if he recalled correctly, a frustrated Loki was nothing good.

"Can I as..."


He huffed. So this was what it felt like to deal with him before.

They reached the empty gym, and Thor let the hammer down on a clear spot close to the sparring mat, and discarded his boots as Loki did the same.

"Loki, are you..." Thor tried asking again, but he was interrupted once more, this time, by Loki throwing himself against him. Nearly on instinct alone, he caught the flying god and used his own momentum to throw him away. Loki landed on his feet and crouched to aim a tackle at his knees this time.

And so, they were on.

Loki tackled and kicked, and Thor focused more on repelling his advances. His bulk to his advantage, the blond had no problem doing so, and it didn't take him long to realize Loki was not actively trying to hurt him. If anything, he was trying to tire himself.

At some point, Thor's stance slipped when throwing Loki away, and they both rolled on the mat.

Loki huffed when he hit the mat face down, momentarily breathless. He intended to glare at the blond for his fall, but when he looked up, Thor was also standing up, golden strands sticking to his face in the most ridiculous way, and his lame attempts at blowing it away.

His first intake of breath was spent in laughter.

"What happened?" Thor asked finally.

The gym was in complete darkness. They had sparred all day long and longer even into the evening, until they had managed to exhaust each other. None of them had bothered turning on the lights when the sun hid behind the skyline.

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