Chapter 24

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Things went just as he predicted, and really, Tony loved being right. But he really should have spared the consequences more than just a fleeting thought as he pulled Loki into bed with him.

"Your Jarvis informed me the apartment has been destroyed. Apparently Thor insisted on checking the mess himself." Loki informed him in the morning. The god occupied his preferred spot on the leather couch, picking bits of the breakfast tray laid out in front of him.

"How nice of him." Tony stretched, bones popping loudly, and stuttered over to the couch himself. "He'll surely find any traces they could've left, right?"

"I would hope so. I'll make sure to double-check, anyways."

"Your lack of trust in his abilities is painful."

"I speak with the voice of experience." And he pushed the tray to him, picking one of the carefully arranged plates for him. "Your device worked marvelously."

"That I hear. It's nice to know." Tony rubbed at his eyes some more, before he finally bothered to start with the food. As soon as he was awake enough, next step was heading for the lab and start working on the tracker right away. Steve would fetch him if they needed him.

On another topic, he also needed to ask Pepper to file a report specifying the apartment had suffered damage from something more... Earthly.

"Jarvis also said Steve is fending off Coulson at the moment."

Tony choked on his juice.

"Coulson... What?"

Loki looked up, as if pleading for divine intervention, and Jarvi's voice echoed around them.

"It appears the neighboring street cameras caught a few glimpses of the attackers, Sir. Given the circumstances, Agent Coulson has made it clear he expects you to join him as soon as possible, else, and I quote, he 'Overrides my safety protocols and comes looking for you himself'. Captain Rogers has been kind enough to buy you some time to think."

"... Oh, God." He rubbed his forehead. "... Oh, God..." He whispered even lower.

"Eloquent, Tony dearest."

He heard more than saw the smirk the god wore.

"What's so funny? Do you know how you'll end when Phil finds you here?"

"Dead. Or as a lab rat for them to try everything they've been forbid to try on Thor." He shrugged. "That's news for me."

"Are we seriously going down depression lane again, Lok? Right nows? I need to think, and fast. Even Steve can only hold Phil for so long." He gripped his own forehead for a second again, forcing himself to come up with a plan. "Where are they, Jarv?"

"Right outside, Sir."

"Ok, that's bad... But fine. Loki, I want you to stay in Thor's floor until..."


"... After we've sorted this out. I hope you didn't make it worse with Clint yesterday, beca... What?"


"Yes, Sweetcheeks, I heard that, but what the fuck do you mean by 'no'?"

"I will not hide." Loki clarified, not once looking up from his steaming cup of tea. "I will remain here, and speak to Agent Coulson myself."

"... Loks I don't think you actually remember what you did last time you were here, you didn't exactly part on best ways with Phil, what with stabbing him into a comma and all that jazz..."

"I'm staying."

"Of course you're not."

"Are you going to force me out?"

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