Chapter 13

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"Please tell me you're kidding..." Steve stared at the wall before him, as he had been doing for the past five minutes.

The tension in the room was almost visible, Tony scrunched up in a corner, arms crossed over his chest, while Thor sat next to Steve, his massive hands tangled in his blonde locks, his gaze held to the floor. Every basic explanation had been given, from Odin's punishment, to the reason they needed the original scepter.


"Let's... Break it down." Steve didn't even notice he had cut Thor's words. "Why throwing a tantrum over a brother who wasn't dead?"

"So we would actually believe he was." Tony intervened for Thor's sake." And before you jump on that, it was necessary. Tell me you wouldn't have gone and dragged Loki back here, had you known he was alive?"

"Of course I would! The man is an intergalactic terrorist!" He looked at the bigger blond. "Thor, I know he's your brother, but this is too much... He's a criminal, and he must be punished."

"He was punished, my friend."

"Being sent back here is most certainly not a punishment! It's a time out!" At Steve's words, Thor looked back up, his eyes grim.

"This is only the final part of his punishment, Steve. Trust me when I say he has paid greatly for what he's done. And now he waits for his execution, for my Father has practically served him in a silver platter to the Chitauri."

Tony raised an eyebrow. None of the brothers had mentioned there had been other punishments. He cleared his throat.

"I know it's... Morally ambiguous, Steve. But the guy's your teammate's brother."

The glare Steve sent him was so cold he had to look away.

"Since when do you care about "Moral ambiguity"? Or teammates, for that matter?"

"Are we going to start with that again?" Tony rolled his eyes, his hands balling into fists, when Thor intervened.

"Anthony has been a most admirable teammate, friend Steve. Even more, he has been a loyal friend, making me realize my mistakes and aiding my brother when he wouldn't take my help."

Steve shook his head. "Thor, I'm sorry, but..."

"I am not one for begging, Steve, but I could make an exception in this case." The bigger blond sent the other a pleading glance, and Tony was surprised to see he didn't budge. "My brother has received his penance, from hands skilled in breaking those of our species. His punishments were hard and unforgettable, just like his crime was. His banishment in Midgard mirrors mine, if I'm not mistaken, planned like a time of reflection, more than anything else. It is a shame that he was banned the use of his powers when he would really need them for self-defense."

"Then why not taking his powers in Asgard, where the Chitauri wouldn't come for him?"

At this, Thor's glance lowered again. "I am the first to admit we áesir weren't as fair as we should have, in regard of my brother. While his pranks and tricks were many, and his reputation well earned, he was always treated harsher than anyone else, his royal status often being the only obstacle for the many people who held grudges against him. Disabling his powers and leaving him amongst them would have been... Too much. Even for my Father. Even dealing with my brother."

Silence followed his words, and Tony found himself fidgeting, again in presence of his nemesis; Uncomfortable Silence.

"I must say, Thor. Every time you speak of home, I find myself more and more tempted to never pay a visit." He tried, and Thor smiled back at him.

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