Chapter 11

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Loki flinched at the unmistakable sound of a foot slamming against the wood of the door. He clenched the crystal sphere tighter, using the warm feel of the spinning energy inside as an anchor.

He pointed a hand to the door, when the hitting sound came again, this time followed by a voice.

"Open the damned door, Loks... I don't know about you, but I need to have my coffee before fending off alien bastards." Well, he had never thought that hearing Tony Stark's grumpy and sleep-slurred voice would make him feel so relieved.

He opened the door, and looked down at the billionaire, who held a brown paper bag in one hand and a suitcase in the other. The man pointed behind him, to the hallway, and Loki noticed there were even more, bigger packages there.

"Go get it, since you are so awake. And please tell me you had a little time between buying ten thousand dollars worth of rugs and procured yourself some coffee..." Not waiting for an answer, the man skidded past him and into the apartment.

"Middle shelf" And he looked over his shoulder to stare at the mortal. "Top shelf for you, I suppose."

"Hilarious. This is why everyone loves you, Loki."

The god was smirking as he pulled one package after another through the door. "No, Stark, I'm afraid there are quite a lot more reasons other than that particular one."

"Or so I've read." Tony looked up from pouring coffee in the biggest mug he could find, to see Loki dragging one of the bigger packages, before giving him a strange look.

"Do tell, Stark, why do you even read about me?" And he went back to pick up the last of the boxes.

"Hey, I live with your brother, I had to get informed. You just pop in there from time to time and I have to be a man and put up with your weird shenanigans..." The sound of the box hitting the floor pulled him back from the deep, delicious pool of steaming hot coffee between his hands. He found the taller man definitively glaring at him, and he fidgeted a bit, before the paler one returned his attention to straightening the box up.

"Well, I cannot say that it is a novelty for me." He left the box alone and pushed the door closed with a little more strength than what was necessary, making it creak in complain. "You should talk to Thor's friends; they certainly have experience with putting up with me."

Tony snorted, when the caffeine finally reached him and he understood what was going on. "Please, you brought my height into this, toughen up and don't give me drama."

The god just kept glaring. "Do you intend on helping me or not, mortal?"

Containing a sigh, Tony took a seat in one of the cozy armchairs, and sat his coffee in the side table. "I guess I will..." And he cracked his fingers. "I need you to tell me all you know about this Chita-what the hell are you wearing?"

That did the trick; Loki's frown softened and disappeared, a confused expression taking its place.

"Beg your pardon?"

"Not mine, no. Fashion's." Seeing that Loki's expression was still confused, he pointed at the deep blue bandana that he hadn't noticed was tied around the Norse's head. "Where did you get that from?"

Loki's frown came back, although softer. "Forgive me? If I recall correctly it was you the one who conditioned me to "get myself some nice new clothes", Stark." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I just complied."

At that, Tony scanned him over once. The self-proclaimed Not-Asgardian wore an apparently brand-new dull green T"shirt, along with fitted black jeans. Looking down, he was surprised to see he had forsaken shoes -an understandable choice, since the flat was expertly carpeted- but his mind chose instead to focus back on the hideous bandana.

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