Chapter 27

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The room was completely silent, and no one felt really tempted to change it.

Thor fidgeted. In two days only he'd found himself in two different white rooms and he couldn't shake the feeling that soon it was going to be for real. This time it was Natasha on the bed, and in all aspects she mirrored Loki the day before. Some healer had washed the blood from her side and her hands, and she remained still and pale between the linens.

And that was the main problem.

Natasha, strong, proud Natasha had chosen to keep on sleeping.

He watched as Bruce ghosted a hand over her forehead, measuring the heat she gave away, and frowned.

"Is she unwell?" He asked with a frown of his own.

The doctor shook his head. "She's fine, I checked her papers..." He muttered. "She should be awake."

And she should. Maybe what she had learned at the Chitauri hideout was such a terrible truth that it held her from them? Maybe she tried to follow Clint before it was her time?

"Tony tracked Clint's communicator to the place it last reported from." said Steve, stroking the woman's fiery hair with an ease he didn't feel at all. Tony stepped forward.

"It's an old park in barely inhabited neighborhood. Apparently the surrounding factories made too much toxic waste for anyone to stick around." He explained. "And well, here's the best part. the signals I got come from under the park."

Thor nodded.

"The Chitauri favor darkness and a little chill. It makes sense that they would seek refuge underground."

Steve looked at him. "We're planning on breaking in, preferably soon since Clint could still be alive, but we need as much information as we can get. This time we're fighting in their field." He explained. Thor received his hopeful look on full force, and he felt almost ashamed when he had to shake his head.

"The Chitauri belong to a very different branch of the Tree, friend Steve. Not much is known about the creatures that dwell amongst the Roots. Maybe my brother could give us something, but I highly doubt we can pull the Son of Coul away again..."

"Bruce can get in..." Steve tried once more, but the man in question shrugged.

"Not so soon after my first visit. They'll know something's up."

Silence fell again. Everyone knew what the others were thinking. Thor looked at Tony from the corner of his eye, only to find his face broken in a most devious grin.

"Now this s my idea of a make-up."

"Are we completely sure we can't just explain the situation and hope they give us free way to talk to him?" Steve asked, unsure.

"Are we completely sure they really want to take action against the Chitauri?" Bruce answered in a grim mutter. Steve tipped his head.

"We're talking about rescuing one of their highest agents, they were investigating on their own, after all. Besides, they promised protection for Loki..."

"When they come to get him, not vice versa. I doubt they'll be eager to let go of their test subject and get involved into another intergalactic conflict before time."

"Still, breaking him out is excessive." Steve stated, watching Tony's grin melt down into a pout. "We don't know if all the Chitauri left are down there. For what we know, there could be thrice the number of burrows, and stripping Loki of the organization's protection is just foolish."

Steve reasoned well, as always.

"Why not a preliminary peek?" Bruce quipped in gain. "You know, testing the waters. You go in with Thor, it might sound ironic, but taking the armor and the other guy on account I think you two are more likely to succeed on a stealth mission. We'll wait and..."

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