Chapter 4

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"You lied to us."

"I did not." Thor sipped on his beer, unfazed.

Tony stomped his fist on the table. "You told me he was dead!"They had taken the discussion into Tony's workshop, completely under his domain, for the sake of privacy.

"Again, I did not. I told you he had been punished, and that he would never again threaten Mid..."

"Don't try to trick me with details! Why didn't you tell us your crazed brother was still here?"

"It was irrelevant." Now Thor wasn't meeting his gaze, instead looking at his beverage.

"Irrelevant? Thor, irrelevant is Clint trying his arrows on pigeons! Or me, bringing people into the house, or you, fighting against the toaster! " Tony snapped. "Your brother is a threat to everyone, that's why we sent him back to Asgard!"

"My Father's desire was for him to remain here."

"I know, but why?"

"Did you know, Anthony? Except for Heimdall, my parents and myself, no one at Asgard knows he is alive." Thor finally stared back, and his eyes were pained.

"... Wait, what?"

"You heard me."

"Sure I did, but why?"

"They think him dead since his falling from the Bifrost. Obviously no one suspected of him in regard to the Midgardian turmoil." He sighed. "My desire to get involved was a mystery for them."

"... And they still know nothing?"

Thor nodded. "And it must remain as it is. My people are blissful in their ignorance."

"Ok, I guess..." He didn't really care about Asgardian business. Except when it crossed the street in front of his limo. While drinking coffee. "But why the storm, and the silence? Why making us think he had earned a death sentence?"

"I needed you to believe he was actually deceased." Thor's broad shoulders raised in a shrug. "Besides..." He rubbed the bridge of his nose with two fingers. "Besides he did earn it, in a way."

"Elaborate, please."

"My father... Crippled his magic. And bound him to me. That is the reason he remains this close to us; the further he goes from me, the weaker his powers become. Even here, he can only use a few of them."

"Ok, so the guy's grounded. That isn't death, Thor, you're being a bit overly drama..."

"The Chitauri are looking for him." Thor cut him with a grunt.

"How do you know?"

"Loki said so."

Tony snorted loudly. "Right. The liesmith guy. Seems legit."

Thor chuckled darkly. "You would be right to doubt his words, but trust me to say it was the truth he spoke this time."

"How can you be so sure?"

"He asked us to kill him." At this, Tony froze, the scotch glass in mid air to his lips. "He was desperate. In all my years at his side, I had never seen him that close to begging. And, considering the efforts my brother has made to stay alive, that is something to be taken seriously."

"And you..."

"We could not bring ourselves to it." He looked past Tony, his eyes unfixed. "They will find him, Anthony. And when they do, his magic will not be enough to save him, and his death will be our fault."

Silence set between them, both finishing his beverages while Tony thought of something to answer to that, failing miserably and opting instead to change approach.

"Where is he staying?"

Thor looked up from the trash can, where he'd just dropped his empty, crushed can.


"You know, where is he living? Did he rent a flat or something?"

The blonde shook his head. "This is a punishment, Anthony. He has no material possessions and I couldn't very well bring him here with us, as I am aware many of our teammates hold a grudge against him."

Tony stared, unbelieving, for a moment. "You mean he's living on the streets?" To his surprise, Thor smiled, and let out an amused chuckle.

"My brother is an Asgardian prince, friend. Used to luxury, but not needy of it. If I am to be honest, with his abilities, he's probably living a better life than many civilians."

"Until the alien guys come and easily abduct him, because he doesn't have a safe place, right?" That made the smile slip from Thor's face.

"I... Had not thought about that..."

"Of course you hadn't." Tony let his empty glass sitting on the worktable. "Geez, so this is why Steve is always blabbering about trust, I could have lent you money! A place, in fact!"

"I wouldn't have thought your morals..." This time it was Tony the one who cut the other's voice, with a dry laugh.

"What morals, Thor? If the alien fuckers that made my brother beg for me to kill him are definitively coming for him, then I don't have time to give a tiny rat's ass about my pal's morals, I barge in their rooms and fucking make them help me find him a safe place!"

He let his eyes pace over the workshop, forcing himself not to kick the nearest thing just to blow off steam. He couldn't even tell what made him angrier, picturing Loki on his knees, his head hung low and his hands trembling, asking his father and his brother to just end him already, or the knowledge that right now the god was sitting on some alley, setting for the night and heating himself with his weakened magic.

" They wouldn't believe him, and my Father's punishment would not be enough for them. They would have him imprisoned." Thor started slowly. As if trying to believe what he said.

"And would I, Thor? You know I hate the damned guys." He shook his head. "But of course, what do lowly mortals have to do with Gods' business?"

"My friend, I assure you that's not..."

"Don't. Just... Don't, man." Tony held his hands high, effectively stopping Thor from continuing. "I'm off. Way to go, big brother." And he left the workshop, before Thor could find his words again.

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