Chapter 5

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Tony shifted on his bed, comfy and warm, and hell, he hated feeling guilty for how comfy and warm he was in the middle of the rain.

Geez, one would think Thor would keep it down, if only for the sake of his homeless brother.

Nearly a week had passed since their discussion at the workshop, and they hadn't crossed a single word. Yet Tony knew Thor had been slipping out of the mansion for as much time as possible, to search the city, and that the rain was nothing but a tantrum, because Loki refused to show up.

He wondered if perhaps he'd been too harsh on Thor, after all, the guy was worried. He just didn't trust his teammates that much yet, and frankly, that was a feeling most of them shared. Besides, what was he worried about?

Loki was a god, and if he'd managed to avoid Thor until now, then perhaps he had a better chance with the Chitauri than he'd first guessed.

It was raining.

Lately, it was always either raining, or storming, and Loki couldn't help but to feel a pang of perverse satisfaction.

He stretched on his spot, looking down briefly before setting himself up more comfortably on the thick branch. He was glad Thor had settled on being depressed, rather than angered, as the lack of lightening had made it safe to use the tree to escape the pooling water below.

All he could hear were the soft splashing noises of raindrops and leaves over his head, and that was the sound he fell asleep to, enjoying the rare peaceful moment.

And he woke up to another familiar sound, and the blinding reflection of the morning sun on a red and golden armor. He smiled.

It looked like his brother had calmed down, and fate presented him an opportunity that was simply too good to miss. This day might not be bad at all.

Tony surveyed the area. He'd been avoiding the park (and his patrolling duties altogether) since his conversation with Thor, but when Steve had told him he actually had to do something for him to cover his sorry ass with Pepper as to why he couldn't fulfill his schedule, it suddenly seemed like the best place to start.

He hovered, wondering whether to get donuts or pretzels for his morning coffee... When his vision turned black.

"JARVIS! What the hell did just happen?" And he went to lift the suit's faceplate, in case it was just a technical problem, when the A.I.'s voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sir... You appear to be... Surrounded by birds." Even the computer sounded confused.

"What?" Tony lifted an arm in front of his face and swatted. His hand immediately hit something, and the sky was visible for a moment, before being hidden In a rush of dark feathers again. " Jarv, What are the odds that Fury doesn't kill me for showering civilians with burning birds?"

"Very bad, sir."

"Thought so..." He heard the low clatter of beaks and talons, occasionally beating against the suit, while he thought of a way out. "Are there any below me? " He asked, finally.

"No sir, they appear to be concentrating from the knees up."

"Good... Here I go, then." And he forced power on the feet propellers, rocketing himself out of the bird cloud that dispersed, scared by the sudden boom.

He scanned the park, looking for whatever it was that had startled the animals, already with an idea in mind.

"They are coming, sir."

"What? Who... OH CRAP!" He forced the suit again, crossing the skies, while trying to lose the flock at his heels.

"Hey Mama Goose " Tony glared at Clint, who read an afternoon newspaper that showed a clear picture of the birds that had followed him all across the city, all day long, caging him in a feathery prison whenever he stopped, until he had managed to lose them and take shelter in the mansion. "I knew you were good with the chicks, but this is too much, man. "

"Fuck you, the suit's going to take forever to clean."

"Oh, don't be grumpy, go roost for a bit." Clint grinned, and Tony flipped him the (Oh, irony) bird, before heading for his bedroom.

"Jarv, give me the recordings form the park." He ordered, after showering and setting himself on his couch.

"I'm afraid it's mostly useless, sir. The birds covered every camera. However, I have recovered some amateur footage from the civilians on the area."

"Bring it on, Harvis, you're amazing."

"Thank you, sir "

Tony spent the next few minutes staring ad blurry and shaky cell phone pictures, looking for something that just refused to appear.

"May I ask why? I mean, is being chased by birds so much fun that you're starting a virtual scrapbook?" Tony jumped a bit on his spot, cursing at himself for not noticing Pepper coming into the room. Sighing, he patted the spot next to him, and she sat.

"I'm looking for something."

"What?" Tony looked sideways at his assistant, who stared at the screen as intensely as he'd been a minute ago.

"Pepper, what are the clauses of that confidentiality agreement?" She smiled.

"Keeping S.H.I.E.L.D. out, boss?" She asked, amused. "My lips are sealed. He nodded.

"Jarvis, give me the picture in which we spotted him in the crowd." He waited for the picture to appear in the screen, and smiled at the sudden gasp from Pepper.

"Is that..."

"Thor's little brother, yes." he shrugged. "It seems he wasn't dead after all, but his powers are restrained, and it's top priority that we find him before someone else does." Pepper frowned.

"Then why haven't I seen anyone else looking for him?" Her frown deepened when her boss grinned.

"Well, when I said we, dear, I meant Thor and I." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and shook her lightly. "But you're an accomplice now."

"Or so it seems" Pepper rubbed her forehead, resigned.

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