Chapter 25

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So your little circus act is over." Clint smirked.

"That's rich, coming from you." Loki countered dryly, and rolled his eyes at the archer's glare.

"Calm down, girls... We have bigger issues here." Tony intervened, rubbing the bridge of his nose like he'd been doing the whole morning and wishing someone would just put the damned world on hold and bring him a coffee. "Phil found out Loki lied about... Well, us. But you can still get out clean."

"I will face the Director with you, Anthony. I doubt even my brother could convince him I wasn't involved in the situation."

"Nor would I even try, just for the record." Loki smirked, leaning back against the wall. Thor rolled his eyes.

"For someone who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, you sure do look confident." Bruce commented warily. Loki spared him a fleeting glance, and sighed.

"If there is a way out, I will find it in time. If there isn't, I will create one. There's no need for me to worry."

Tony arched an eyebrow, remembering of the god's breakdown in the apartment after the Chitauri had been caught, but decided against commenting on it with such an audience.

"You might need to worry about the fact that you probably just condemned your sugar daddy to an early retirement order." Clint grinned charmingly from his spot on the table. Loki's lips thinned in disgust.

"Your Midgardian slang is so tasteless..." He sighed. "I can manage your Director."

"You can't even manage your own army." Natasha suddenly spoke. Tony made a face and looked away because when Natasha decided to go in dirty, things were definitively not going to come out right.

Loki shot forward from the wall, hissing. "I'd like to see you try managing the Chitauri, you filthy..." His breath was cut when Thor's arm slammed against his chest, holding the hammer. "If any of you knew what it was like... Those disgusting creatures are no allies of mine. They are but hunting mutts, I was only..." He cut himself short, and held her under his glare. Natasha's mouth quirked slightly upwards.

"Calm down, Loki. We both know your tongue gets loose when you're this mad." She walked straight up to where Thor held Loki still, and looked up to face him. "We wouldn't want you spilling secrets to our Director. It might be counterproductive if there's still someone willing to step into the fire for you in this team."

Tony looked sideways to Clint, who seemed to be having a one man parade, and slapped the back of his head.

"Trust me, you don't want him angry." He whispered. Clint kept grinning.

"Trust me. Between those two, he'd be the least of out problems."

Loki looked down into the small woman's green eyes. Cold.

Cold as ever.

He exhaled sharply and glared harder (He chose to ignore the fact that he was using what he called a 'Thor-technique'), but she didn't flinch. Her gaze didn't flicker. Slowly, like a crack through ice, he felt a smile come to his face.

"Why, Romanoff, if I wasn't sure I'd think you're trying to be of use here."

"Stark is the majority of our funding. If he gets taken off the equation because he you were too busy fucking around with him to solve your own problems, I'm taking you down."

Loki rolled his eyes. "When will you mortals understand there is no solving my 'problem'? Either they get me or I get my magic back in time to get rid of them. The only players here are I, the Chitauri, and Odin's mercy, which, if I might add, has always been a little blind." He ignored Thor's glare. "Let your Director come. I do not fear him."

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