Chapter 9

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Tony walked into the kitchen, after instructing Jarvis to warn him if anyone else appeared to be coming this way.

Thor was already sitting at the counter, chewing absently on a poptart.

"So..." He started. "How are things with your brother?"

Thor shrugged, and Tony noticed his shoulders lowered a bit more than usual when talking about Loki.

"My brother... I knew he was lost, my friend. But I had not realized how much." He sighed. "Last time I actually saw him was weeks ago, when I cooked for him."

The billionaire poured himself a coffee, before leaning on the counter, close to his friend.

"What's wrong with the guy? For real, I mean."

The blond brought a big hand to rub at his forehead, clearly distressed, before answering in a pained mutter.

"He learned of a terrible truth, back in Asgard. One he is determined to turn as bad as he deems it to be." He looked up at Tony, his clear blue eyes darkened and troubled.

"The adopted thing?" Tony took a swig of his coffee, as Thor nodded. "And then he disappeared." Why did he disappear?"

"He... Fell off the bridge when we were fighting." At this, he rubbed the back of his neck, when Tony raised an eyebrow. "I know, my friend, how it sounds. But at the moment, it was all I could do, I had no idea of what was happening, and innocent lives were being threatened. It was the lesser of two evils, no matter how painful it was for me."

Tony smirked. "I'm afraid we've reached a dead end, buddy." When Thor looked up again, this time from between his fingers, he clarified. "I don't talk feelings. And I don't know if you've noticed, but you and Steve are the only damned heroes in the whole team."

Thor smiled behind the hand in which he half covered, half supported his face. "Modesty is for maidens, Anthony. I have found you to be the kind to toughen up when it matters the most."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I still don't talk feelings." And he poured the remnants of his coffee down the sink.

Thor laughed, shaking his head.

"Then what do you do when you want someone to face you?" He asked.

"I force them to."

"I somehow doubt my brother will want to talk to me if I crush his door down."

"Come on, buddy. There are better ways." He cracked his neck. "Let's go, I'll help you this time."

"This is ridiculous, you know?"

Loki nearly jumped, when the voice echoed across the apartment. He'd dozed off against the door, the sphere tightly clenched in his hands, collecting the energy produced by his proximity to the blond pacing restlessly outside. He turned to find an armor clad Tony, sitting comfortably on the window frame, and it irked him that he didn't know exactly when he'd arrived.

"Excuse me, mortal?" He asked, promptly hiding the sphere in his already worn down clothes. He heard Thor's pacing come abruptly to an end, and cursed inwardly. So much for faking he wasn't home.

"The guy's out so often his girl is starting to think he cheats on her. You could at least make it worth it and let him in."

"I would, if he'd just sit there and keep his big mouth shut."

"What's the fun in that, Loks?" And he shamelessly stepped in the apartment and strode for the fridge, rummaging inside. "Don't you have anything decent to drink?" The frown was audible in his voice.

"If you are looking for your disgusting excuses of alcohol, then know you won't find them there. In fact, my provisions are starting to run low again. I could use new ones."

Tony turned to smirk at him.

"Same with your clothes, buddy." And he turned to the door. "I'm sorry Thor, but your brother looks like a hobo." He yelled, ignoring the confused "A what?" that came from behind the door.

"You came into my house with the sole purpose of mocking me, Stark?" Loki's fingers cracked with loose magic strands, menacingly. "Should I remind you that your teammate is close enough for me to use most of my magic without restraints?"

Tony walked towards Loki, standing mere inches away from him, and opened his faceplate, revealing the smirk beneath.

"Should I remind you that this is your home just because watching you sleep on a tree was hilariously sad? Or the fact that your only food and shelter comes of my infinite mercy and generosity?" He stretched the last work, raising an eyebrow in a teasing gesture.

Loki's expression just grew harder, bordering on hostile.

"I take no charity, Stark. Say it and I will be out in no time."

"Weird, because I don't recall you offering to do anything for me in exchange of this."

Loki smirked.

"I figured it was a common gift."

"Really? A reward for nearly killing Phil, throwing me through a window and ultimately driving me to play chicken with a nuke?"

"... What?" Tony shook his head, amusing.

"Modern English, you both need to learn it." He cleared his throat. "The thing is, you did nothing to deserve this on your last visit, Loks."

Loki's smirk returned. "Oh, then you are most generous and all forgiving, Stark." Out of nowhere, he took a step forward, and enjoyed the way the armored man flinched instantly, if just for a second. "However, I would have thought that knowing I'm caged in your... "Generosity" would be enough for your spectacular ego."

Tony countered with a smirk of his own. "Caged, huh?" He pulled something out of one of the hidden compartments in the suit. "Do you know what this is, Loki?" He held a plastic rectangle in between his and Loki's face.

"Should I?" Loki frowned.

"This." And Tony shook the object, rising it above both their heads. "Is the key to your "cage"." He smiled, amused at Loki's confusion. "With this you can have food, entertainment... Whatever your wicked little mind can think of you can get with the magical credit card" He emphasized the last three words, and Loki rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Stark, you keep mocking my intellect, and we'll see how well all your money can protect you against a flock of slightly bigger and smarter birds." He then got serious again. "What do you want?"

"Nothing." Tony shrugged, and stuck the card into Loki's expecting hand. "But there is one condition."

Loki's eyes drifted suspiciously from the card to his face. "Name it."

"Two, actually." And really, Loki should've been worried about the amused twinkle in the billionaire's eyes. " You get yourself some nice new clothes." He patted Loki's shoulder, clad in clean but worn down leather. "I don't want hobos living in my houses."

"... You are a weird mortal, Stark." However, Loki nodded. "And the other?"

At this, it was Tony's turn to inch closer to him, and him to flinch back, but the other just reached past him, and grabbed the doorknob, turning it.

"Take your brother with you"

Loki didn't have to look back to know there was a smiling Thor waiting at the threshold, and he gritted his teeth together.

"The tree is beginning to sound cozy right now"

Tony smiled.

"Humor us, if you may"

Tony wasn't surprised when, five minutes later, he stepped into his private floor in the tower only to find it swarming with penguins.

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