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Beomgyu asked about you...

There are still so many secrets that you don't know of...
You think it's white but it's all black.
We protected you, but died in the attack.


"You still have many unanswered questions, don't you?" asked Beomgyu.

"Yes I do." I replied.

For a change, this wasn't some place I didn't know of. I was all too familiar with this one. This was our classroom. Where we sat together, cracked jokes, passed messages written on paper and throw paper balls at each other while the teacher was teaching. One of the places of our happy memories...

Beomgyu sighed as he drummed his fingers on his thighs. He was sitting on the chair next to mine and even though it was morning, nobody but us both were there in the classroom.

"We had to." he answered.

"What do you mean y'all had to??" I asked accusingly turning fully to him.

"I'm sorry, but that's all I can tell you Hyun Ae." replied Beomgyu looking at me with guilt stricken eyes.

"I mean the fire..." I paused taking a deep breath. "Wasn't your fault, but... Just leave Taehyun alone..." I said in a pleading voice.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." said Beomgyu almost coldly looking straight ahead, his body upright. "Everything happens for a reason."

"Yeah right." I chuckle sarcastically looking away, the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "You and Yeonjun getting killed... How do you justify it with a reason?" I asked loud and clear.

"Hyun Ae," he continued. "I said Everything happens for a reason."

For a moment all the words were caught in my throat as I looked at him speechlessly. Examining each and every feature of his face, for a slight hint of lie, but all I saw was blunt truth.

"Why were you asking about me to Taehyun?" I asked instead.

Beomgyu's eyes softened as he relaxed and slumped on the chair again, looking intently at me. "We were missing you. That's why."

I nodded as I pursed my lips and turned my gaze at my desk. Oh that carving we made...


I smiled when I looked at the carving and ran my fingers across it.

"You miss it, don't you?" asked Beomgyu.

"What do you mean? It's still there... Unlike y'all." I say without tearing my eyes away from the carving.

I hear him chuckle and turn to him as I catch him shaking his head. "You know what I mean Hyun Ae."

"If you all were missing me, why didn't y'all show up in front of me directly? Why use Taehyun?" I asked.

"Hyun Ae..." he sighed. His eyes longingly looked at me as if he wanted to say a lot more than just my name but no words came out of him.

"What is it Beomgyu? Are you guys hiding something from me?" I asked rather mindlessly but wasn't at all expecting the answer he gave me.

"Maybe we are."

I sat perplexed in my position for a moment. They were hiding something from me???

"I don't understand... Why would you do that?" I asked softly, almost hurt to know they didn't trust me enough with their secrets.

"We all are guilty of keeping our secrets Hyun Ae... That's the truth whether you like it or not. Our souls are dripping with darkness and smelling of filth... And we couldn't risk you getting involved in this." Beomgyu's words sunk deep into my soul as if he just carved those words on me.

I stared at him, with my mouth hanging open a bit as I examined his face for any change of expression. A slight crease of his eyes to show his smile so that he says, he is just messing around with me, but there were none. He was serious.

"But I never hid anything from you guys." I said.

"See what I'm talking about? We couldn't risk you getting covered with our dirt and filth," he paused and shook his head once before looking at me with a half smile. "Especially Yeonjun... He cared too much about you to put you in danger."

A light flush of pink covers my cheeks when I hear his last words as I blink a couple of time, trying to stop my difference in heart rate. "I still don't understand..."

"It is time for me to go Hyun Ae... It was nice meeting you again." he said instead and stood up, showing a big smile.

"No Beomgyu wait!–"

"Don't ask anything to Taehyun... He's still too scared of it." he said and was about to turn away when I grasped his wrist stopping him.

"Fine I won't..." Even though I want to because none of y'all would give me a proper answer for me to comprehend! "But please tell me if I can ever see you guys again?" I asked pleadingly, my eyes showing off my desperation.

He smiled softly and patted my shoulder.

"You'll find us in Magic Island."

Gone. Beomgyu was gone. I saw him walking away into a great white void ahead and I felt myself getting farther and farther away from him even though I didn't budge from my spot.

What was the it?

And where is the Magic Island?

to be continued

A/N : I am so sorry! It feels like I haven't updated in ages and this rough stage might go on for a bit more time... I'm not even sure when this'll end... But I'll try my best to update whenever possible! (╥﹏╥)

To be real honest, school is killing me. Literally. I can't even understand how I'm still alive lmao

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