i'm home lovie.

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Synopsis: Y/N has to do a big presentation at her work and Harry's home from the army.

Y/N was so nervous.

She had been looking at her Q cards for the past hour and a half and reading every single word, trying to absorb the information. She was flipping through the slideshow that she had made and was questioning whether she added too many cartoons or not enough, whether people would be able to read the words or if she needed to change the colour, was the font annoying?

Y/N worked at a publishing company and every month someone had to present ways in which they could improve their department in the company. This time it was Y/N's turn. Everyone knew that Y/N was a quiet and shy girl and the only person who could help her break out of her shell was her boyfriend Harry but he was in the army and unable to be with her 24/7.

Y/N and Harry met before Y/N started working for the publishing company. She use to work for the local newspaper where she got a small column each week where she could write anything on the local community. She was asked to go to a small charity event and there was where she met Harry who was holding a bucket for people to put money into. There was quite a few people there and Y/N wasn't a fan of crowds, she stayed in the corner and had only written a few words in her notebook.

Harry spotted her from the other side of the room. He noticed her huddled up in the corner, looking around the room with wide eyes and not knowing what to do. He was talking to the mayor but he excused himself to go help the little lady he had laid his eyes on. "You alright love?" He asked her.

She looked up at him and couldn't help but admire the handsome man who had come to talk to her. He was wearing his military uniform and his hair was all gelled back. She didn't know how to react as she held her notebook close to her chest. "You're the reporter aren't you?" He noticed the lanyard she wore around her neck after he was told by some of his mates that the local paper was coming down for interviews.

"Y-Yep. I'm supposed to be interviewing everyone but it's a bit too loud in here." She whimpers at the sound of a group of people laughing loudly. Harry felt bad for her as she tried hard not to cover her ears with her hands and tried to think of a way to help her.

"You can interview me if you'd like, I mean 'm not very interesting but we can go outside and I'll answer some of y' questions." He suggests and she's nodding straight away, just wanting to be out of the stuffy room.

After that, Y/N and Harry were inseparable. They spent hours and hours talking about every little thing they could think of and Y/N ended up only writing about Harry for her column, which her boss wasn't too happy about, but it ended up with her bagging a date with Harry.

Harry found that Y/N was more than just a pretty, shy girl, she was actually very funny and had a love for drawing and writing poems. She was also very clumsy, she ended up tripping over three times and one of those times she literally tripped up over her feet. Harry could already feel himself fall deep for her at that moment.

Since then they've been had their fair share of ups and downs, with Harry being in the army and all, and have been together for 2 years. They live together in London with their little kitty that Harry got for Y/N because he was scared she would get lonely without him since she wasn't the best at making friends.

They called when Harry was able to, which wasn't very often, but they mostly wrote to each other. Y/N loved receiving letters in the post, especially the ones she got from Harry. He would always try to put a little something into each letter he sent and she had a growing collection in a little shoebox of all the things he had sent. Y/N would send little polaroid photos to him and write a short poem on the back which Harry would also keep in a little tin and every night he would look and read every one just to help him sleep and remind him his little love was waiting from him back home.

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