Chapter 21: Pete's Backup Plan

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Pete burst through the door to his lair.

"I got a problem! Those three chowderheads have proven tougher than I thought. And it's an even bigger problem when the only female musketeer, who happens to be the best one, was helping them," he ranted.

He was ranting to Clarabelle and the Beagle Boys, who she had hanging by a line to dry.

"Yeah? So?" Shorty asked.

(A/N Play video from 0:10 to 0:21.)

"So quit hanging around. We've got a change of plans, see. Now we're gonna have to pull the switcheroo tomorrow night..." Pete explained, unfastened Shorty from the line then finished, "at the opera."

Opera music and singing went off for a minute.

"That little ditty is starting to grow on me," Pete commented with a slight smile.

The Beagle Boys looked at each other in confusion.

"Now listen. To get to the princess, we're gonna have to pick them off one by one. And to make things easier, let's start with the best one," Pete stated.


A/N Uh oh. Not good.

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