IX. Mandalorian Armor

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Chapter Nine

"The duchess is very kind," I tell Padmé, pulling my hair back to tie it in a braid. "And Mandalore is beautiful...well the city is. It's heartbreaking to see the scorched surface outside. The civil war here must have been awful."

Padmé analyzes me for a second, before shaking her head softly. "I know what you're thinking. Taris will not share the same fate as Mandalore. You won't have a civil war."

I let out a sigh, my voice dropping lower. "I just keep imaging Taris becoming a lifeless wasteland like Mandalore. I don't think I could bare it."

"Have faith in Anakin and Fallon, they'll figure things out. Have you heard from them?"

I nod, tying off my now finished braid and letting fall down my shoulder. "Anakin informed us last night that a member of the rebellion who goes by Fett has been sent to get me. Apparently he works directly for the supplier for the rebellion. He's the man who murdered my father."

Padmé closes her eyes briefly, sorrow growing in her face as she tries her best to assure me. "You have nothing to fear. Obi Wan will protect you."

I nod, wiping away a tear that threatens to fall down my cheek. "I know he will. I need to go, I'll talk to you later."

Padmé nods solemnly before the transmission is cut, and I'm left alone in my room. Thinking of my father again is sending me into a fit of tears, ignoring all of my protests and rushing down my face like one of the waterfalls of Naboo.

A knock suddenly comes to my door, startling me and making me let out a soft yelp. I wipe at my eyes and clear my throat, trying to look presentable as I make my way to my door. I'm relieved when the person standing on the other side is just Obi Wan.

"I thought you might want to see a bit of Mandalore, your majesty. Would you like to accompany me on a walk?"

I can see a compassion in his features that tells me he knows I was crying. Whether he heard me from his room or can simply sense it, I'm not sure, but I do know some company and a distraction would be lovely. I take in a deep breath, nodding my head. "That would be great."

I walk over to my bed, grabbing my cloak from my suitcase and placing it over myself, making sure I stay hidden as we exit the safety of the palace. The steeets of Mandalore are filled with people bustling about; some in markets, others hopping on transports to get to the higher up buildings, others just enjoying themselves and taking in the light of the sun, even if you can only feel it through the glass ceiling of the container Mandalore is in.

"Forgive me if I'm speaking too boldly," I begin, not being able to put my curiosity at bay for much longer. "But were you and the duchess in a relationship once?"

He shakes his head. "You're not being too bold. We were never together. There was a time when I wanted to be...but it could never happen. As a Jedi we swear never to form attachments."

I feel my eyebrows crease in confusion, turning my attention more diligently to the Jedi. "Why not?"

"Attachment leads to fear, anger, hate. And hate is the path of the Sith. It's not the Jedi way."

I understand the want to expel all fear from you, to avoid it at all costs. Fear doesn't make you a good queen, or a good Jedi. The Jedi teach you to keep your emotions at bay, I only wish I could have been taught those same lessons. "Attachments of any kind? I was hoping you and I could become friends."

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