Chapter 1

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Characters are not mine, rights to owner.

Me and my brother are being taken through a crowd of adults desperate for something as they yelled things along the lines of.

"Please let us in!"

My mom was crying as she carried my brother and held onto my hand tightly. As we made it to the front she put him down and said her last words to us.

"Remember I loved you. Remember Stephen, Amy."-Mother

Then these scary people came and took us away from our mother. Me and Stephen cried out in dismay as our mother slowly disappeared from our sight. Silent tears escaped my eyes as we were taken into a train. Looking around I noticed other children like me and Stephen were in the train and I pitied them along as myself.

"It's alright Amy."-woman

I look over to see a woman leaning over to me as her hand was placed on my knee trying to comfort me.

"It will be alright."-woman

She leans back into her chair as I turned over to face my brother as he stared at me and he grabs my hand and I felt his hand being cold. He was nervous that was for sure and I wouldn't blame him because my hands are shaking as well.

We arrived into this building and I see adults all in different parts of the room but I noticed two things in this room that were common.

There was no children anywhere to be seen.

The adults were all wearing white coats.

They looked like doctors and professional ones to say the least, but what am I to know I am only 6. The woman from earlier led us with her bodyguard to a point in the building that had many doors that led to other rooms and she let us pick our rooms. Me and Stephen had stayed back a little as we did not want to let go of each other. He grasped my hand tightly as I did the same and when the woman saw us she smiled.

"Do you want to live together?"-woman

We both shook our heads yes and she led us to a different hallway and we walked into the room and noticed there were two beds for both of us. I smiled at the woman and at Stephen making him relax more and she smiled back as she closed the door.


"Yeah, what's the matter Stephen?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"-S

I nodded my head as we both snuggled into the covers and fell asleep holding one another in each other's embrace as we have always done.

I was awoken the next morning to see my brother lying there peacefully, his brown hair, I noticed, was dirty and so I reminded myself to tell him to take a shower when he gets up. I slowly get out of bed myself looking around only to see unrecognizable things and being 6 I screamed. Thinking my mother would come to save me and Stephen I kept screaming but no one came and Stephen woke up scared and hugged me as I did the same and eventually reaching the point that I stopped screaming. Memories from the night before told me where I was and I calmed down enough to stop myself before I cried.

"I'm sorry I woke you Stephen I forgot we were not at home anymore."

Tears welled up in my eyes and I allowed them to fall wiping them away with my small hands. I then felt Stephen crying and we hugged each other and cried for most of the morning. Once we had calmed ourselves I looked at Stephen's hair and remembered my note.

"Stephen go take a shower."

"I don't want to leave you."-S

"Fine I'll come with you."

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now