Chapter 25

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Life was never the same after that. WICKED had blocked all associations I had with Newt including my ability to contact him through my head. The only thing I could do was watch my friends and Newt through the monitors with Thomas. I seem to always end up crying though. I was broken and I was barely holding on to my will of living. Thomas tries to help me through all the pain but sometimes it's just too much. I didn't know you can miss someone this much, it was tantalizing. I can't think properly anymore so they had me go with Thomas to watch our friends. Chuck as well has been there to comfort me. Whenever he came in to watch with us he would sit next to me and share a little snack. If I start crying he would always give me a hug. I never had this much of a friendship with Chuck until now. I am really happy that he is my friend but now when I have to let him go as well will crush me as much as it did with the three.

Ever since that day I was assigned with those monthly surgeries so the last thing people would see before their memories were cut was me crying and repeatedly saying I'm sorry. Apparently they gave the procedure a name and it was called Swipe. So every month on an insertion day they would go see me as I carry out the Swipe procedure.

Every day just seems to be the same for me now. Although I know I've changed, I've become so much more understanding of others. I used to only care about the ones I love but now I care for more. I care for all of the Gladers and soon to be Gladers. I can't wait to save them from this prison.

Today though was different. We were watching the monitors, as usual, me, Teresa, Thomas, and Chuck. Although today was different everyone in the Glade was surrounding something in a circle. We couldn't clearly see what was going on. Thomas tried getting a beetle blade to get closer so we could investigate. It seemed that Alby and Newt were dragging someone out from the shadows. When they got to the junction of the north and west walls Alby started to beat him up. All of us were shocked and wanted to know what was going on. Newt pulled Alby back and Chuck told us that the person getting beaten up was George.

We got the beetle blade closer so that we can hear and see everything clearly. Alby and this guy named Nick were yelling. Apparently they were in the maze and something had hurt George. When Alby and Newt were carrying him he tried to bite Alby and that caused Alby to beat him up.

"Boys, slim it, let's figure this out. What do we do?"-Newt

Newt has always been the calm one in situations and it reminded me of how he would always calm me down and it made me miss him so much. The tears came back and Chuck had hugged me in comfort again and handed me a chip.

I continued to listen and apparently George got stung by something, and it got me thinking. They haven't used my reduced Flare yet, they said they would when I had first made it. Could it be that?

When Newt had called out for some medicine or a doctor I had lost it. I wanted so badly to help him. Every time I felt like this I would always scream out his name in my head as I used to when I couldn't contact him. I felt so lost without him, I wanted him to hear my voice, I wanted him to know I am here for him. Although he knows nothing about me, nothing at all.

As Chuck comforted me the guys looked around for some medicine. I didn't like anything that was happening and tried to not listen, and it wasn't that hard. Although when they put in this supposed serum in him he went insane and that caused him to go wild and almost kill someone. In the end, he was the one to get killed. I couldn't believe it, I knew that this would happen eventually but not this way, I thought WICKED would be the one to kill us all until they are satisfied. Instead, they are having us kill one another all for their idea of what is called science. It made me feel so sick. Chuck and I stayed with the monitors as Thomas and Teresa went to go find answers.

Apparently it was what I thought, the mutated version of the Flare that I had made. The serum that they gave wasn't the one I had made though. Did they use it all up trying to save themselves? I am sure that is it. Especially when the next day I was asked to make my serum. I don't understand what is going on? I wonder if they tried to make a better serum than what I had made and that was what they tested on George with. That must be it, why else would my serum not work. I had tested it and it worked perfectly before.

After that event things were rather quiet for a while. Nothing extreme happened again and I still loved to see Newt even if it made me cry or at least want to cry. I don't want to move on and honestly, I don't think I ever will. I don't think someone can just fall out of love if they love someone as much as I do. I am going to hold onto my hope of whether or not it is little or nothing. I still will find hope, the hope that my dreams will come true. The hope that I can be with Newt again, to be with everyone, safely away from WICKED.

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now