Chapter 18

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I've been waiting for that opportunity to place down the Flat Trans in another part of the area, the only chance of escaping we will get is when the Flat Trans will be in a different place. I was on my way to talk to Dr. Paige about it. She is the only one I oddly find to be comfortable around, which is weird considering she is my biggest enemy at the present. She is pretty much the Chancellor whether or not she has the title since the actual Chancellor has been silent for months now.

"Come in."-Ava

I walked into Dr. Paige's office. She stops her work to give her attention to me.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but I have a quick question."

"Go ahead."-Ava

She gives a warm smile.

"The Flat Trans has been ready for use for a while now so how come we haven't gone to prepare it yet?"

"Oh right, I'm sorry. Yes, we would love to see if we can use it properly. We decided to put that project on hold though until after the first batch of kids settle into the maze and we know that we will be able to move onto the next trials. That's why we haven't started it and as of now we won't until further notice."-Ava

She was starting to go back to her work but I couldn't accept it that easily, I needed it to work now.

"I'm sorry, but what's the point of waiting. I hate to say this but whether or not my friends don't reach your standards, another group of kids will, and those kids will be able to go on to the next trial. Wouldn't it be better to have it ready and out of the way? So that it can be a stress reliever of some sort?"

"You make a good point. I suppose I can consider it and will put it up to our Chancellor."-Ava

It's at these moments when I wish she was Chancellor. If she was then I would have my answer now and my escape route would be ready. Although I can't persuade Chancellor Anderson as I can Paige. Anderson doesn't even want to see anyone so I wouldn't be able to talk to him even if I wanted to, he doesn't have the same respect towards me as all the other higher-ups do as well. I just hope that maybe Ava will side with me on this and put up a good argument for me.

"Thomas? Can I ask what's going on with you?" I asked in my head.

"I'm working on the maze, we are working on the walls to be precise. It's hard to get such large things to move smoothly."-Thomas

"I see, but can I ask you, is it not weird? Don't you feel weird making the place our friends will be going to? Where they will be put in danger?"

"Yeah it feels a little weird but WICKED wouldn't kill any of them, I'm pretty sure they value all of us and couldn't afford any deaths."-Thomas

"I hope you are right."

I honestly believed in my brother. What he said had made sense, there was no point in killing what could be your cure. I wouldn't think they would be able to do that.

I was walking along and found myself heading to the place where they run tests on my friends and the others. I decided I might as well go in since I had nothing to do and wanted to go back to being in a good mood. I walk in and I see that nothing has changed from when I was last here. It means they have not stopped making the substance. It made me feel sick. I wonder if these doctors know the reason they are doing this, or are they just following the orders of their higher-ups. There have been no signs of the Flare in Psychs which is strange seeing how they constantly meet up with doctors which some have tested positive for. I don't want to assume but I think something fishy is happening.

For now, though my brain needs a break. I saw Newt first and ran up to him while he was waiting and I attacked him with a hug. He was shocked at first not expecting me here. He smiled when he realized that I was here though.

"Are you my doctor today?"-Newt

"I could be? What are you waiting for?"

"Just my annual checkup. They have been doing it more regularly every since some doctors have gotten the Flare."-Newt

"Ok, I can do that."

As I do the checkup we continue to have a conversation.

"You know every time you come in here, I seem to be getting dirty looks."-Newt

"Really? Why?"

"Minho says that everyone wants what I have?"-Newt

"Which is-oh wait let me guess? Your good looks? Your calm nature? Your personality? Oh, no I know, it's the accent isn't it?"

Newt couldn't help but laugh and it made me blush a little. He then looks back at me and shakes his head.

"It seems they rather wish they had what I had with you."-Newt

"They don't even know me, that seems ridiculous. You are joking, right? Minho put you up to this, didn't he? I know he told me the same thing before about you as well."

"I think you misheard him and no I'm not joking."-Newt

"Well, that's weird. So why did you bring it up, is it bothering you? Should I do something?"

Newt laughs at what I said, I was happy he knew it was a joke.

"No, I told you because I needed a topic."-Newt

I was done with the checkup now and was letting him free as I cleaned up, my back was turned to him.

"Well, that's a weird topic. Maybe I should start the conversations from now on, my love."

I was trying my best to do a British accent at the end and when Newt didn't say anything it made me embarrassed especially when I turned around and saw him trying to hide the obvious blush on his face.

We walked out of the room together and before we went our separate ways he placed a quick kiss on my forehead before he left. Newt had gotten so much taller compared to when I first had met him, for some reason it made me happy.

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now