Chapter 10

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"What's up, Tommy?" Newt was genuinely happy to see my brother after a long time that they couldn't see each other. "You look bloody fantastic for three in the morning."

"Who's the new kid?"-Minho

Alby, being nicer, went up to the kid and asked for his name, introducing himself as well.

"I'm Chuck."

This was the first time I ever heard Alby lie, he never seemed like the type to lie. He told Chuck that this place is all fun and games, which in my opinion is the worst lie to tell a kid about WICKED.

We talked for a long time and Chuck went from scared to happy. Suddenly all of our light and fun topics became serious as we talked about WICKED and conspiracy. Thomas seemed to have been defending WICKED which I was very sad about. I want Thomas to understand that WICKED does not care about us, and that he is in danger the more we stay here. Suddenly the topic of Cranks hit up scaring Newt and me as well.

"Why are we talking about this guys, come on let's not worry about such stuff."

I try cheering us up, only to not get any comments and a dirty look from Teresa. I could sense that Teresa was happier when I was quiet.

Minho suddenly speaks with anger rising in his voice, he obviously didn't understand the point Thomas was trying to make and I feel like I am the only one who understands the point Minho is trying to make.

"Make up fantasies about WICKED all you want, tell yourself that this is all a good cause, that they treat us well. I'm buying it, though. It looks like I'm still working on...I'm heading back to my room. Later."-Minho

I was very confused about that last part though, what was he working on? Why did he keep quiet about it? Before Minho leaves Alby was the one who asked my question.

"What are you talking about?"-Alby

"We thought about escaping remember, before we met Thomas, Y/n, and Teresa. I still want to do it and I think about it all the time. We should be here by choice not like prisoners. I hope you guys come with me when I'm ready."-Minho

Minho left and silence surrounded us as we take in what happened.

A few months have passed now and me and Thomas celebrated our 12th birthday together, we didn't celebrate our birthday together since we were 9, on our 10th birthday we were too busy and didn't see each other until it was time for bed. Then on our 11th birthday we were a bit separate so we only said happy birthday and nothing else. This year we decided we wanted our birthday to be special. Dr. Paige gave us a gift and people in my department, as well as the Psychs, gave us a gift. Our friends don't know it is our birthday and I didn't exactly feel like it was important to tell them.

"Today is October 6, we are now a dozen years old. How do you feel it about this?"

"I feel old, I'm getting crippled! Y/n help me!"-Thomas

"Don't worry brother, I got you, I will save you." I tackle my brother and we mess around a little, laughing and enjoying ourselves.

"Oh, I got us each a match so we can make a wish."-Thomas

Thomas pulls out a match box out of his pocket. I was curious as to where he found it.


"I found it where I work."-Thomas

"I see, well come on what are you waiting for?"

He smiles and hands it to me.

"You are the oldest you go first."-Thomas

"Well how about we do it together?"

"Okay, whatever the oldest wants."-Thomas

I roll my eyes at Thomas's clear sarcasm and light two matches handing one to him. We both close our eyes and made our wish. I said mine inside my head and tried to make it quick knowing that the match could burn out, or burn my fingers.

"I wish we all could be safe, away from WICKED, and that we all will be happy as well."

I open my eyes and blow out the match as Thomas does the same. We try to shoot the matches into a trash can and only Thomas makes it in. I get up to throw mine away properly because it must be clean in here. We then grab one of the three presents we have. The first one was from the Psychs, it was a flat trans, two to be exact. This something that only the super rich would have and it was pretty much teleportation. They must have stolen it because no one makes these to buy anymore. Still it would come in handy for the future. We open Ava's present and get a useless book to pass time. We open the doctor's present last and I was shocked at what we got, it was a camera, a model that stopped selling before we were born. I actually low-key wanted it though because our mom loved photography and had a camera like that when she was younger. It gave us a little something to keep good memories of her. I believe it was the best gift in my opinion.

We still continue to visit our friends and did for a while, starting to feel comfortable as we once did. I see Newt everyday now instead of just hearing him. These were good times, except for today. Minho decided he wanted me to tell Thomas today about me and Newt., in front of baby Chuck by the way. I wanted to strangle Minho, but not today, not on our birthday.

"What is Minho talking about? Y/n?"-Thomas

Thomas pokes me, taking me away from my intense staring contest with Minho.

"Ok," I take a deep breath and want to start off the embarrassing conversation with some background. "Remember when we became distant, and we didn't talk as we once did?"

"Yeah, it wasn't that long ago."-Thomas

"Yeah, well I had spent more time with Minho, Alby, and Newt, during that time." I signal for Thomas to come closer and I whisper into his ear so that others don't hear. "And because of that I like Newt."

I retract and so does Thomas, but rather suddenly he hugs me rather happy. I look at him confused and all he did was smile and said, "later".

Teresa and Chuck were curious, wanting to know what I had said. Alby didn't care and Minho was confused as he thought that he would get a different reaction than what he got. Newt was smiling and blushing happy that he got the reaction he wanted.

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now