Chapter 7

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I've been busy once again, it's now December, the antidote that I have been working on was harder to make than reducing the Flare. It was a blue serum that helps slow down the progression of the actual Flare and kills the smaller version. I used some of the blood samples of the "immune" as they call them even though they really aren't. Today I must present my progress to the Psychs, my brother, Teresa, the other two like Teresa and Thomas, and Ava Paige.

The meeting had started, they gave small announcements and then came the serious parts of the discussions.

"We have 5 years until we send the first group of kids into the maze, we will discuss who should go after a report from Y/n, about her progress."-Ava

I stand up, I kind of felt scared and it was not because I had to present, but rather who is going to be sent into the maze. I took a deep breath telling myself that my friends will be okay.

"I have successfully created an antidote to the reduced version of the Flare." They thought I was done as they began to chatter between each other about what to do next, the Psychs don't know what great knowledge I have, only Thomas and Dr. Paige really know. Paige signals for me to continue knowing I'm not done. "I have more," they stopped talking, "I have found a way to reduce the progression of the Flare." They were intrigued now, everyone including my brother and his friends, "Using leftover blood samples of the immune, I extracted both the DNA and ribosomes in the cells and using vitamins, iron, and melted molybdenum, I created this blue substance. It kills the revised version of the Flare and reduces the main Flare. The only problem with this is that it is unsafe to take the blood out of the immune and I say this because we need a lot more than what I have to reduce the Flare but this is enough to kill the small version. Unless there was another way to gain the ingredients I advise not to use this for yourself just yet."

I sat back down and there was a long discussion about what I had found. People's faith in a cure and me was strengthened and I was suddenly scared. I regretted telling them what I said, I don't trust WICKED at all, they are scary, lying, skeptical, and suspicious. I'm afraid of what they might end up doing.

"Now after that wonderful news, let's talk about the maze."-Ava

I sat up in my seat, worry, anxiety, and impatience on my face. I prayed it wouldn't be my friends. I needed more than 5 years before I have to leave them. They discussed both the girls and boys and Lizzy, Sonya, was one of the girls to go in the maze first. Then came the talk of boys it started with guys I didn't know and then they came to Alby.

"Alby, what about him?"-Psych

"Yes he should go, he would keep the first group and the other groups to come, to be calm and get things started. He's the kind of person, based on his studies in the schools, would be a good survivalist."-other Psych


"Yes, he is after all A3 the leader."-Ava

My best friend was going to be in the first group and so is Alby. Why are they doing this are they trying to punish me, scare me?

"Lastly, Newt?"-Ava

They all turned to me who was already shaking in fear for my friends, and anger at the fact that they know but don't care at all about my feelings.

"He must, he isn't immune and the longer he stays here he can get infected if we send him in than his chances of not getting the Flare would become higher. He can't stay here for much longer."-Psych

They spoke in a soft tone. My anger was beginning to be unexplainable. I never thought I would do what I had done next, nor did I think I have the strength to. The fear in all of their eyes fueled my anger and the only thing that stopped me was my brother. He was scared but he risked himself to stop me.

My hand had curled up into a fist, the veins were popping out of them. My nails were digging into my skin, blood came pouring out of my hands. The color in my face was drained. I was blaming everyone there, the world, the Flare. These stupid, cold-hearted, human beings, who only care for themselves. My body seemed to move by itself as my bloody fist, flew onto the glass table breaking it and small pieces of glass hit some people. The worst injury was glass in someone's eye. My hand was bloody and had glass in it, the table was cracked and had lots of blood was on it. I raised my bloody hand again but was quickly stopped by Thomas. Tears were pouring out of my eyes, yet I looked calm. That was what scared them the most. Thomas' hand held onto my hand, the glass pierced his hand too and his blood trickled down his arm. I looked at Thomas and immediately stood up, I used my other hand to wipe my eyes and me and Thomas left the room. He took me to a bathroom where he asked what had happened back in there.

"Y/n, can you talk to me? I want to know what's wrong? I'm sorry I've been distancing myself as of lately, and we have lost our sibling bond but I want to fix that again. I want to become your twin again knowing everything that bothers you, starting now. What happened back there?"-Thomas

I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot and red from the tears, I turn to Thomas and spoke.

"I want to be your sister again too, but doesn't it at all hurt you that all of our friends are getting taken away, in 5 years we won't be able to talk to them, we won't be able to hear the sassy Minho, the laugh of Alby when he beats Minho, and we won't be able to hug Newt ever again. They won't know who we are, they won't know about the great memories we share, we will be nothing to them."

"They won't know who we are?"-Thomas

I forgot, no one knew except the doctors and Psychs, it's Thomas though he would eventually have found out.

"Yeah, they won't know a Thomas or Y/n once they enter in there. We won't even be a memory to them."

Thomas had let go of my hand and silent tears slipt out of his eyes, we hugged each other for a while after that just being in silence. One good thing came out of this I suppose. I had gained back my brother after many months.

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