Chapter 23

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"Y/n?" The way she said my name made me start to get scared. "You are with a doctor?"-Sonya

I wanted to scream. Why can't they see that I'm not one of them, I'm trying to save us, why can't they see it. Newt and Thomas were able to sense my despair. Thomas didn't understand why I was upset but I think Newt did. He tried to correct his sister but I stopped him.

"Lizzy, she-."-Newt

"I'm not one of them." My voice was only a whisper that they couldn't hear me but they knew I had said something, so I repeated myself but louder. "I'm not one of them."

Thomas looked confused, my face looked so sad, Newt was shocked. I've told Newt that they can hear and see everything which is why he knew I never vocally exclaimed that I'm not one of them. Thomas didn't understand why I had said that, and I was so sad that people actually think I am one of them.

"You aren't?"-Miyoko

"No, I am not and never will be."

They seemed to believe me as Sonya/Lizzy came and gave me a hug.

"I'm glad. It at least means that you can look after my big brother for me."-Sonya

I return the hug, happy that she approves of me despite me being one of the doctors.

"I will keep him alive for as long as I live."

She smiled and we let go of the hug.

Two days later I got called into a meeting. It was with just me, Dr. Paige, and Randall. I knew they would probably mention something about what I had said those two nights ago. It was just a matter of time. I was very nervous about what they would do to me, or worse to the people I love. Are they going to threaten me?

I walk into the room and Randall and Dr. Paige were talking in a quiet tone so that I couldn't hear. When they noticed my arrival they quickly stopped talking and turned to look at me.

"I think you know why we are here today."-Dr. Paige

"I think I do."

"Good, it will make this easier."-Dr. Paige

"So, what do you mean when you had said that you are not one of us?"-Dr. Paige

"I meant that I honestly do not agree with your discernment. I do not think this is the right way to go about things. I do not support your judgment."

"Well, I understand that you may not support what we think is best. It makes sense that you wouldn't want this to happen to the ones you love. Although I hope you understand that this isn't just about the ones you love, what about the ones your loved ones love, and who they love. There is more to things other than what we all see in front of us. Unless of course there isn't something you aren't telling us."-Dr. Paige

Of course, there are so many things I am not telling you and never plan on telling you.

"No, I'm sorry I do think selfishly. I'm not like my brother."

"No, you are better than your brother. You are so much smarter than him which is why we wanted you as a doctor. You are smarter than most of our Psychs. You are valuable to our mission in finding the cure."-Dr. Paige

If I didn't know any better it seemed to me like she is trying to stroke my ego to make me feel superior to my friends and family. If that was the case, then it was seriously messed up of her.

"Thank you."

"Although because of what you told your friends, the Chancellor wanted close eyes on you for a little while until the Maze trails begin. This is why Randall will be staying nearby when you work and I advise no more late-night get-togethers with your friends. Also, I am sorry but your request to make get the Flat Trans to its proper place has been denied. Chancellor Anderson says that too many things are happening and that he can't afford to let anyone leave just yet. "-Dr. Paige

"I understand, thank you."

I left with Randall following close behind me. He started to say mean things to me, saying how he is going to make my life miserable. He obviously took Dr. Paige's words of me being better than most Psych's to heart. He wasn't going to let me have it easy. Let's not forget that my whole escape plan is doomed. I only have a month until my friends will be leaving me forever. It still hurts to think about it. I hate that WICKED has the upper hand and that they know they have the upper hand. I sometimes wonder if they study on me, Thomas and Teresa more than they do on everyone else.

In a few days my friends, the people I love will be gone. Randall has been keeping his promise and has made me extremely uncomfortable whenever I hang out with Minho, Alby, or Newt. The only time I get alone is when I am in my room.

Thomas tells me something though that he had heard today from the meeting he had with the other four elite candidates. Chancellor Anderson, Dr. Paige, and Rameriez were there apparently and their faces told Thomas that something had happened.

"There's been a possible breakout. A crank could be in this facility. Since all of the adults are not immune they decided to quicken the pace of the Maze Trails. Instead of it being 5 years it will only be 2 years."

It was sad that that gave me hope. The fact that they will finish the maze trails sooner meant that they would have to go through all of that torture, but it gave me hope because it meant that maybe if I can wait two years they will all return with me. I can get them out of here in two years, and hopefully, by then Thomas will be on my side and we can save them.

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