Chapter 11

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I finally have started to have a job once again. The Psychs gave me the Flat trans for a reason. Not for me to just use but rather for me to understand and alternate for them. You see Flat trans was able to get you from one place to another, except the one fault of it is that it can go far distances. At least not yet, as I have been given such task to alternate it. First though I need to take it apart to understand how it works. Meanwhile as I did that, I talked to Newt through my head and shared with him the music I was listening to. He enjoyed it because he doesn't get to enjoy music as I do. Every now and then though we would have a conversation.

"Hey, what are you doing?"-Newt

"Understanding technology, why?" I say with a smirk that was shared with Newt.

"Well actually, I was wondering whether or not you wanted to meet up?"-Newt

"I see. I can have a break, where are you right now?"

"I'm getting tests done right now."-Newt

"I'll go to you."

I get up from where I was working and continue my music. I walk towards where the do the testing and see the majority of the guys in here as well. Minho was running on the treadmill and Alby was getting his blood drawn. The amount of blood getting drawn though was concerning me though. I then find Newt on a table, without a shirt, and wires connecting him to a machine that showed his heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. I was also suddenly concerned when Newt's blood amount that was drawn was about 10 times less than Alby's. I suddenly had a hypothesis, that they are taking away the "immunes" blood to help slow down the Flare, because I had made enough for the maze trials. Something fishy was going on so I get closer to Newt who was waiting for the ok from the doctor that was checking if he is Flare free.

"Hey, I got this, you can go." I say to the doctor with anger in my tone. He leaves, knowing that I'm his superior. He grumbles a few words though before leaving.

"Y/n?" Newt sounded concern and I don't blame him, a few seconds ago I was happy, now I completely changed my attitude.

"I'm sorry Newt, let me finish this for you."

I finish up his check up and get rid of all the machines and wires he was hooked up to. I looked around and Newt puts his shirt back on. Newt gets off the bed as I glare at every doctor in the room. The amount of blood being drawn was not for testing but rather for selfish reasons. Newt pulls me into a back hug to call me down, seeing that something is bothering me. It wasn't until he hugged me that I realized that Newt has gotten taller, a lot taller than me. He could rest his head on my head, he had gotten taller in the past 6 months. I look up at him and got lost for a second. Hypnotized for a second by him, I felt relaxed, yet those burning questions I had needed to be answered.

"Newt, have they always been drawing this much blood from you guys?"

"No but then they said that some of us need to have more blood extracted because the amount they have been getting isn't enough to study. Is something wrong?"-Newt

"I think that something terrible is going on. I might not be hanging out tonight with you guys." I whispered that last part.

"Let me join you."-Newt

"It could be dangerous."

"Then you're either not going, or I go with you. If it is dangerous you can't go alone. So it's either with me or not at all."-Newt

"You can't stop me Newt."

"I can and I will if you go alone."-Newt.

I don't speak, not wanting to argue over this. Although I'm still going to go alone.

"Why did you want to meet up, you wanted something?"

"Actually I did but I don't know anymore."-Newt

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because, you have not been nice to me since we got here."-Newt

"What do you mean, I haven't done anything bad to you?" I say genuinely confused.

"Come with me."-Newt

Newt grabs me hand and takes me away past everyone, embarrassing me as I hide behind Newt. He takes me outside the room inside an empty hallway. He then breathes in and speaks his mind.

"I have a lot of things I want to say. For one, why don't you tell me your concerns. I don't feel like you rely on me because you don't tell me anything. I want you to tell me your concerns, your worries, your needs, your opinion matters to me, Y/n. So can you tell me everything that worries you."-Newt

"If I tell you I would be breaking rules that can get us in a lot of trouble."

"That hasn't stopped you before." Newt whispered, making me blush at how deep and quiet his voice went.

"I want to tell you, truly I do. I just don't know what to do."

I grab Newt's torso and pull him towards me into a hug. His warmth and comfort makes me relax once again and the tears I have been holding back started flowing silently through my eyes. Newt grabbed my shoulders ready to push me away so that he could see my face, but he then stops and instead wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him as his head lays on mine. The moment was enjoyable and I never wanted it to end. Of course though a doctor had to come out and ruin the moment as we let go of each other. She walks around us, no words spoken. I spoke my next words through my mind.

"Newt," I say the same way I have always done when he couldn't hear me. "You are the last person in the world I want to keep my thoughts from, you are the last person that I want to be mad at me, you are the last person in the world who I want to hurt. I love you Newt, a little too much some could say and because of that I want to protect you."

Newt was silent for a second but he soon responds the same way.

"I don't want to be protected, because I know that you need to have someone to lean on, I can never be mad at you by the way, because I love you too, Y/n."

Newt quickly grabs my hands and pulled me close once again and kisses me, all in what seemed like seconds. I was shocked because of how unexpected it was. We pull away and my shocked face made Newt smile.

"I'm glad that I was able to surprise you as much as you did to me."

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now