Chapter 9

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Nothing new has happened over the past 3 months, everything was normal. I would talk with Minho in person, I would converse with Newt through telepathy, and do random stuff all day. I end up just staying in my bed or walking through the whole building. My days were boring and endless besides when I saw my best friend and well, Newt. I don't really know what Newt is to me anymore, but he is definitely between crush and boyfriend.

I woke up this morning to someone screaming. I immediately get up worried and concerned to see Thomas on the floor, writhing around screaming and in pain. I went over to him concern and see him sweating uncontrollably as his hands were on his head. Much like how I was when Newt first talked to me through my head. I immediately understood the problem and talked quietly to Thomas because if I yelled it would just hurt more.

"Thomas, relax your body. You will feel better afterwards."

Thomas looks at me and relaxed his body and laid still, whimpers came out of his mouth and I held onto his hands.

"Don't worry, the pain will go away real soon. Just relax."

His eyes showed tears but he listened to me no matter how much he wanted to tense up. Eventually he showed signs that the pain wasn't nearly as strong and at that point. Then he sat up and went to the door and banged his head against the door, twice. I assumed that Teresa was telling him to do that to say that he can hear her. If it wasn't than that would be creepy as hell. Suddenly Dr. Paige came in the room scaring me and Thomas.

"What the hell is going on here?"-Ava

Other than that things have been silent for a little while. Me and Newt had visited each other regularly, I started a self defense class that was recommended by Dr. Paige, and I've been practicing with Minho and Alby, I have not won against Alby but I have won a few against Minho. Thomas and I also have built up our relationship further as he and I can talk telepathically as well, as promised by Dr. Paige. Although Thomas telling me his thoughts is much weirder than I thought it ever could be. Me and Thomas even tried to sneak out at night sometimes so that he can be with our friends again, but it never works sadly.

A year has passed by now and me and Teresa are nothing but aqua tides now, yet her, Thomas and I are going to sneak out so that they can see our friends.

"You guys can go ahead and meet Aris and Rachel, I'm going to go get our friends."

"Okay, I'll tell you if anything happens."-Thomas

Thomas and Teresa left and I went straight to the bunks and snuck in. I find Minho first as he was closest to the door. I woke him up gently, scaring him a little as he jumped when I touched him.

"Hey, Thomas and Teresa want to hang out with you guys. I was sent to get you."

"Leave me alone Y/n."-Minho

"Come on Minho, for my brother, for me?"

"Fine, but only because it has been a while."-Minho

"Okay, want to get Alby."

"I see, want to kiss your husband awake I see."-Minho

"No!" I whisper yell, the darkness hiding my blush.

"Sure it is. Fine I'll get Alby."-Minho

Minho went across the room to Alby and woke him up with a punch in his arm. It got Alby up even if he was a little angry. I walk over to Newt's side of the bed and shook him a little bit. He didn't budge, so I did it again. Newt must be a heavy sleeper because I shook him violently that time and he didn't wake up. I grabbed Newt's arms and tried pulling him up, nothing worked.

"Kiss him, kiss him."-Minho

Alby slapped Minho's head, but he continued to chant.

"Kiss him, I bet it will work."-Minho


"I'll take your bet into account, what's your deal?"

"You mean it?"-Minho


"This is awful."-Alby

"What's the most precious thing of yours to lose?"

"My virginity."-Minho

"Minho!"-Alby and I

"Jeez, it was just a joke. I will let you win in a fight, in front of everyone."-Minho

"Crushing your pride sounds fun, okay deal."

"What do you put into this bet as well, Y/n."

"I will tell Thomas about Newt and I."

"Shouldn't you already have done that?"-Minho

"Yeah but I didn't want to tell him, he's my little brother and I'm afraid he'll turn into you if I tell him."

"I would love to see that, deal it is."-Minho

We shook on it and I look at Newt, I start getting nervous.

"Cheek, that's fine, right?"

"Sure whatever."-Minho


I look at Newt's sleeping face and admire his features for a moment, trying to stall time hoping he would wake up from other causes. I soon came up with a cheating tactic, which is low of me, but I want to win.

"Newt?" I say in his head.


"Oh good you are awake."

"No, not until you kiss me."-Newt

"What, no that's not the deal."

"If I heard correctly you have to kiss me."-Newt

"You were awake?"

"Of course I was, I'm a light sleeper, I was awoken by the time you came in the door. I heard it all, I was just curious as to what would happen, glad I did."-Newt

"That is cruel."

"You cheated, so it's your fault."-Newt

"Stop taking your time."-Minho

"What Minho said."-Newt

I groan, a little annoyed that I'm about to lose all thanks to my cheating. Although, if I was to get a small reward out of my cheating I will do the unexpected. Newt expects the cheek but I'm going to waste our first kiss as revenge. I kissed his lips and he suddenly felt warm, I knew I caught him off guard. Newt's eyes suddenly opened and looked at me. I give him a cocky smile and look to Minho as Newt touches his mouth in shock.

"Fine you win."

"Do it next time I see you and Thomas, I want to catch up with Thomas for today."-Minho

I was in a sulky mood and just nodded. Newt gets up, fully awake and Alby was silent as he was disappointed in me and Minho. We head over to the closet with me leading them so we don't get caught by the cameras. Teresa studied the cameras and such so she knows where they are and when they turn on. She told me and Thomas about it and with my memory I remember every word she said.

I safely get them there where I immediately encounter Thomas, Teresa and someone new. He was under our age, that's for sure. He was crying too and obviously looked scared. We all huddled in to meet this new person, curious as to what's going on.

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now