Chapter 4

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Characters are not mine, rights to owner.

It started to become our thing now, we would have a long day go to our room, I being the smart one takes a nap instead of play and then we go meet Alby, Newt, Minho, and Teresa in the maintenance room and have fun and we get information from each other as well.

It has been a week since we have begun doing this regularly, and today I was listening to music in my corner of the room with the thanks of the device that Ava gave me and I had all these windows open around me in blue light. I had sticky notes on the two walls of my corner and the flare was right in front of me but it was contained as it was inside a glass container and cannot infect me unless I open the case and touch it or I eat it if I wasn't immune. I had a microscope in front of me and I looked at one of the windows around me and read a little before I looked back at the flare through the microscope. It was just a tiny thing, it was barely anything but the mass destruction it causes to a human is almost amazing if it wasn't a bad thing. Suddenly my favorite song comes in that was upbeat. I couldn't help but sway a little to the beat and nod my head. I was beginning to move my hands to the beat a little and went to move my hand and scraped it against a sharp utensil. I was happy that I hadn't used the utensil for the Flare yet so it wouldn't have gotten into my system and infect me, but my blood dropped onto the glass where the Flare was. I immediately went to wash my hands and get a band-aid, when I came back I looked through the lens and saw something that was life-changing. My blood was eating away the virus, not the other way around. I was amazed, scared, and astonished. I found the cure to the flare, but it was me and I believe to be Thomas as well.

WICKED is dedicated to finding the cure and I'm sure they will kill me and Thomas if they find out. I knew I had to keep it a secret no matter what, not even Thomas should know, for his own protection. I acted as if everything was normal and with my gloves already on I grabbed a napkin and wipe up my blood that had eaten all of the Flare. I then get another container with the Flare but I had lost my focus and wasn't as into it as before.

I wasn't the same as before that night, when we met up I was lost in thought and very out of it, not much smiles appeared on my face and everyone seemed to notice that something was wrong with me. No one was brave enough to ask though and I was grateful because if they had asked me what was wrong I would have a hard time lying to them. WICKED knows and hears everything we ever say in this room, I know this because a doctor, who ended up being infected with the Flare, warned me about how he knows about our little secret getaways and how he doesn't trust us kids. I kept my mouth shut and kept the thought in my mind that they can see what we are doing and hear us I immediately try to be myself again so that WICKED doesn't expect something of me. They were shocked, to say the least, that I had suddenly changed my demeanor but didn't say much of it until later. Newt stops me as we were about to depart for the day and pulls me back inside the room, we were alone now and my face couldn't help but become red.

"Y/n, can we talk."-N

"Sure Newt what's wrong or up?" I give a shy smile still trying to recover myself from before.

"Y/n, we have all noticed you have been acting weird today, what's wrong or up with you? I am worried, you weren't yourself today."-N

I hug Newt in need of comfort as I trembled in fear trying to hold back my tongue. I have seen what Wicked has done to people and to think if they know what I am hiding then the pure torture as we go from being their equal to their farm animals as they harvest our blood and suck the life out of us ever so slowly until we would be lifeless. Newt instantly wraps his arms around me and steps back to hold both of us up.

This is what I want, I want this moment to be forever, this wonderful feeling of comfort, the feeling of no responsibility on my shoulders, the feeling where my heart beats rapidly for a reason some people call love. I pull back a little from the embrace and looked up at Newt and see him staring down at me.

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now