Chapter 13

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As we laid in bed my mind couldn't get over what I saw. What am I supposed to do? Do I tell them? Do I keep quiet, act like I never saw it? Or do I get rid of it? They must have gone through my files to find out how to make the blue substance. I never shared how to make it just the contents so they had to do some sort of stealing. I looked at Thomas and sighed. I want him to see how terrible this place is, maybe he will one day. I hugged onto my brother as the sun began to shine into our room. I didn't want to work today. I don't want to enter the workroom. Not today and not ever.

No, I should go and act like everything is normal. Keep them off my scent. Also while I am at it, I should make more for myself using my blood. I get up and get ready. After I get ready I hug Thomas again and he wakes up.

"Where are you going Y/n?"-Thomas

"I have work to do."

"Okay, see you later."-Thomas

"Yeah, see you later."

I leave the room and go to my desk. I take out about 3 blood samples of my own and start to separate the cells using machines. I put the other ingredients in the cup at the end and when the first drop of my blood hit the cup a blue tint erupted. I sat back doing my actual work as I waited for the rest of the blood to fill the cup. Once that was finished I closed the cup and took it with me as I went on a long journey to my room. At one point when there were no cameras, I slipped the glass into my pocket. It was a small glass so no one would notice that anything is in there. I got back into my room and brought my box with me into the bathroom. I unlocked the box and placed my fourth glass vile in there.

You can't help but want to be safe. If I am going to be leaving with my friends then I would want these with me. I don't know how much is needed to make them actually immune so I can't help but bring more than enough. I locked the box and wrapped the key around me once again. I put the box in the compartment underneath the sink. I accidentally hit the end of the wall and noticed how it was hollow.


I put my hands against the board and pushed it forcefully. I went all directions until it broke open when I pushed it up. I saw the small but large space between the wall and sink and placed my box in there. I closed the wall and went to the bathroom and washed my hands. I left acting like everything was normal and went back to work.

Later that day we were going to meet up with our friends. Thomas and I were a little early. I decided to talk to Thomas as we waited for the others.

"Hey, I'm-I'm sorry about yesterday."

"Don't worry about it, I can see why you were mad at me."-Thomas

"But Thomas, do you actually believe it is a good idea?"

"Well I believe in Teresa and she is smart."-Thomas

"No, Thomas you don't understand."

"Hey, we brought snacks."-Minho


"Yeah, Alby stole some potato chips."-Minho


I looked at Thomas with sad eyes. He doesn't listen to me anymore, and it's going to cost him his life in the end. If he doesn't see the terribleness of WICKED then he will never be able to save himself.

"I've got a new guy coming tonight."-Minho


We all stopped eating to look at him, all of us besides Chuck who continues to happily eat. We all waited for Minho to continue. It took him a moment before he decided to answer our unasked question.

"Nothing to worry about, guys. He's a...good enough guy."-Minho

I felt like there was more to be said from Minho and all of us knew it. Teresa decided to be a jerk and spoke.

"Good enough? That's the criteria now for trusting someone with our secret?"-Teresa

I looked down, mad just to hear her speak. I really hate Teresa, more than I did before. She stole my brother from me and is a danger to my friends. I want to get rid of her but no one would believe me.

"His name is Gally and he, well remember that plan I told you about? The escape plan?"-Minho

I, on any other day, would love to help him in his escape but I still need to do stuff for my plan to work and that includes getting Teresa out of the picture and Thomas on my side. Alby tried to convince Minho that he can't do it by saying the good things about staying. Alby is smart and wise so I'm guessing he doesn't believe it is possible for anyone to leave this place. That or he is afraid to leave.

"Gally's going to help me and should be here at any moment."-Minho

As if on cue someone knocks on the door. Minho opens it and we meet face to face with Gally. He was an average looking guy, nothing special to him although he looked especially sad.

"Guys, meet Gally. Some of you might remember him or seen him around. I think we all could get along."-Minho

"Good that."-Newt

Gally was quiet for the most part until he was to explain their plan to everyone. He tells us that he works for maintenance and gardening and that he works under a guy named Clark. Alby asked if he's going to push Minho into a wheelbarrow and wheel him out. Newt and I found that funny. Gally smiled as well.

"Minho is the one who owes me, because without me then this escape plan won't work."

Gally began to explain the mediocre plan but everyone was so sarcastic and hateful towards Gally that he began to leave. I felt bad for him, Minho stopped him and finished telling us the plan. It was alright but there were a lot of places that had holes in them. They could easily get caught and I don't think they know that.

"Why? Why do you want to leave?"-Thomas

"Because we are here against our will because we are prisoners." Minho was half yelling at us.

"But you'll never have it half as good as you have it here, and how can you just turn your back on helping the world."-Teresa

That last comment was the most irritating thing I heard. I bet if I told her that Thomas and I were the cure, she would strap us up and take out blood from us every day but the weekends. I hate her, I hate her so much. Without me knowing a loud pitch ringing was in my head. Newt, Thomas, and Teresa all were in pain as their heads were ringing with a high pitched noise that I was causing.

When I saw Newt and my brother my hatred deceased and the high pitched noise went away. They all knew it was me.

"You guys okay?"-Alby

"What the hell was that for?"-Teresa

I couldn't handle how much I wanted to strangle that bloody bastard. I hate her so much. I put my knees up to my head and my hands had a tight grip on my head. The ringing began again but this time it didn't hurt Newt but Thomas and Teresa. I then in a weird way thought I understood what was going on. I would have to wait until tomorrow before I ask.

"Well besides that, who's going to come with us?"-Minho

There was silence before Newt spoke.

"When is it?"-Newt

"Tomorrow night."-Minho

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now