Chapter 22

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It was around 11 pm when we began the mission. We had met up with Newt who was happy to see both of us. The other doctors and psychs who would still be up at this hour are so busy that they probably wouldn't even notice us sneaking around. It wasn't a bad plan that Thomas had. Newt knew more about the place than we did. He had gone through these areas before when visiting his sister, although he never actually talks to her. We go through an emergency escape tunnel and once we got out we reached the 'Research and Development' room. I have gone in here before some of my research needed to be developed here. I knew for a fact that the mini Flare virus was in here. It wouldn't be hard to miss either. I just needed to make sure they don't touch anything.

"Guys, be careful when you go in there."

"Huh? What's in there?"-Thomas

I didn't know if I wanted to tell them, what if I did tell them and they thought that I was a part of WICKED if I was to tell them. I don't want to be a part of WICKED. Although I knew I needed to tell them, for Newt's safety.

"Okay, part of my research was creating a smaller less harmful version of the Flare. My research, that less harmful Flare is in there. So don't touch anything, please."

"Ok, yeah I won't touch anything."-Thomas

We walk in and the darkroom was lightly illuminated by a green glow. I didn't like this room for multiple reasons. The eerie vibe it gave was less welcoming than if the lights were on. Newt and Thomas' eyes quickly averted to where the green like glow was. I had no clue what that was, but I did know that nothing in here was safe. We needed to keep moving.

"Hey, let's keep moving."

"Hold on, I want to know what it is."-Thomas

I can't beat Thomas's curiosity, it always wins and once he is curious he will get his answers. I let them go look but reminded them to not touch anything. We walk over to where the glow was and we soon see this 10 feet by 10 feet glass container. It was glowing green and a type of fog made it hard to see what was inside. The eerie green glow made Newt and Thomas look sick. Newt being the smarter one says that we should stay away.

"Looks bloody radioactive to me. We could wake up with three extra fingers and one less eye in the morning."-Newt

I laughed at the comment but Thomas wouldn't move, he wanted to know what it was so bad. I want over to him and grab his arm trying to get him to move. Although something made me stopped. It looked like an arm had pressed itself upon the glass. It was veiny and had a tanned color to it. I didn't like what I was seeing. We were going to leave again but there was another hit on the glass. When I saw it I couldn't help but feel sick. The same veins on the arm were also on the torso and what looked like bulbous tumors seemed to have wrapped itself all over the body and I didn't want to look again but it definitely looked like those "tumors" were glowing. We instantly left after that and I was never planning on going into that room ever again. We got through a security tunnel and then behind a closet was a false wall that led to Group B's barracks. We see bunk beds lined up along the walls, it seemed like the girls were asleep.

"What if they freak out? I don't want forty girls attacking me all at once."-Thomas

"I thought you went for that sort of thing."-Newt

I held back a laugh and as we got out of the closet my eyes began to adjust to the darkness of the room. Thomas was last to get out of the room but was attacked by a girl and the way he yelped just made me laugh so much. Thomas explained what they were doing there and she asked for our names seeing as he mentioned Newt's name.

"I'm Thomas, and that's my sister Y/n."-Thomas

"Oh. My name's Miyoko. I'll get Sonya."-Miyoko

I didn't like the way she had said that 'oh', it sounded as if she was disappointed or annoyed to hear that we were here. It made me feel very uncomfortable. Miyoko came back and a girl, who I am assuming was Sonya, came flying past me and Thomas and straight to Newt. Miyoko turned on a very bright light and what I saw brought me close to tears. Newt and his sister's reunion made me feel so grateful. I was so grateful that I wasn't separated from my brother. I wouldn't have been as strong as Newt has been. I quickly hug my brother, he didn't understand what I was doing at first.

"Sorry, I'm just glad that I wasn't separated from you."

"I know, but they couldn't take you away from me, if they had we would have gone insane."-Thomas

"Yeah, we would have."

"Come on, let's give them some-"-Miyoko

Before Miyoko finished Newt yelled loudly through his tears. The way he was yelling made me fear that someone would come and punish us for being here.

"I hate them, I hate every one of them! How can they do this? How can they steal us from our homes and keep us separate like this? It's not right!"-Newt

"No, no, no, don't say that. You're looking at this all wrong. We've got it better than ninety-nine percent of kids out there. They saved us, big brother. What are the odds we'd be alive if they'd left us out there?"-Sonya

The tears were streaming down my face now as they start to comfort one another. I felt terrible that my stubbornness was what let me stay with my brother while they had to separate. I felt like such a terrible person for getting things better than others.

"Ah, Lizzy there is someone I want you to meet."-Newt


"She's my girlfriend."-Newt

Newt looks over at me and Sonya moves her head towards me. I tried to hide my tears that were streaming down my face like a waterfall. Thomas hit my back trying to get me to do something other than cry.

"Oh, sorry, um, hi, I'm Y/n."

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz