Chapter 15

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"One last thing, this is not going to be the last time you will be in here. When the maze trials begin in a year or two you and your brother will be coming in here often to watch. You are going to be seeing a lot of this when the first batch goes into the maze. So this is just an exercise if you want to think of it like that."-Leavitt

Randall made me look to a different screen. I never saw whatever that thing was in my life. It looked hideous almost like an alien. Randall knowing what I'm thinking from the look on my face explains.

"Those are pods, they are where we keep the biomechanical creature that the military helped us design. They are called Grievers for the time being. They are not yet fully developed and still in the early stages but a lot of progress has been made and with some more modifications they will be the perfect maze monster."

"Maze monster? You are going to put that in the maze."

"Yes, they will be put in the maze."-Ramirez

"We need to understand how the brain functions in all types of situations, which means deadly as well."-Randall

These psychopaths, I can't believe my own ears. What could this possibly do to benefit them to find anything remotely close to their cure?

"Ok Alice, open it."-Randall

Randall spoke over a microphone and the pod began to open, letting the Griever out into the same world as us, and into the same room as Minho. I didn't know it was in the same room as Minho. This deadly military monster was in the same room as Minho, my best friend.

"Wait, no! You don't have to do this, I got the point, I'll spread the word. Just please stop!"

I got up from my seat but was pulled back by Ramirez and Leavitt.

"I'm sorry but we have to act on our threats or then you wouldn't believe we would actually do this."-Randall

"No, please."

The thing inched closer and Randall made the one screen go to all the screens so I couldn't turn away. They were going to force me to watch no matter what I say or do. Minho had evident fear on his face and I don't blame him for being scared. I'm equally as scared for him. It was right behind him now, he probably could feel it behind him. Minho was trying to get out, he seemed to not be trying as hard, almost as if he knew that he can't stop this, as if this happened before. It made me remember my brother was in here before me, he saw this happen as well, which means that this probably wasn't Minho's first nor last time. This made me feel so emotional, I didn't want to sit here any longer I wanted to run off and find him. All I could do was cover my mouth with my hands as it taped wide open. The tears began to silently fall as my eyes were wide in horror.

When the Griever was in front of him he started to scream and lean back causing the chair to fall back. The Griever now stood above him and the slime that was on it fell off of him onto Minho, it screamed at Minho probably damaging his eardrums. Deadly objects soon came out of the Griever's body and were ready to slice Minho open.

Seeing me flinch Ramirez and Leavitt pull me back again. Randall got up and told Alice to pause which soon after the Griever stopped.

"We almost have the perfect soldier."-Randall

It was almost a whisper but when he said that I couldn't tell who he was talking about, Minho or the Griever.

"I know you are a Doctor and he is your friend as well, but you need to remember that some things just can't be saved."-Randall

"You are not going to kill him are you?"

"No, we aren't. I'm meant to say that I understand your want to go after him but you can't do that."-Randall

It sounded to me like he was trying to prepare me for the death of my friends, I couldn't trust them anymore, I have no idea what they are going to do. They used to be predictable, but now I don't even know what they are even planning to do with me.

"Ok, call it back."-Randall

The Griever then moves away from Minho but gives a good scrap on his arm from the metal legs. Minho looked utterly defeated, scared, and in pain. This was the worst state he was ever in.

"Ok you should probably head back, three others need to see this still."-Randall

"Who else?"

"Teresa, Aris, and Rachel."-Randall

I knew my next question was far fetched because I knew what the answer most likely was going to be. There was just a small hope that I liked to linger on.

"It was recorded right?"

"I'm sorry, but it's better if Minho goes through it again."-Randall

No words were spoken between me and my escorts. They just let me in my room and then knocked on the door in front of me and Thomas'. It was Teresa's turn.

I couldn't bear to go back to sleep after that, how could I. I sang Thomas that song to calm him and we held onto one another for comfort. My tears were falling onto Thomas's hair and I could feel him shaking. I wanted to scream for Newt knowing that he could calm me down. He could make me better, help me know that Minho was fine. Although why should I burden him with the cursed knowledge I have, so I kept quiet.

"He'll be alright, it's Minho."

My words were barely any comfort to either of us. We both saw Minho, and he was nowhere near the Minho we know. WICKED was destroying Minho, we both saw that. My words probably worsened the situation.

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