Chapter 17

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A couple of months have gone by now and Minho is currently doing better now, as he has returned to his normal self. Thomas has been constantly underground working on the maze and that has caused him to not see Minho and probably won't for a while. He's busy working for WICKED still. I am also still trying to work out on how to make my brother see the truth, the truth that none of us can nor should stay. It's hard though when he fully believes there is no way out and that the best decision is to stay, especially since he has the trust of WICKED, meaning he gets better treatment. I don't blame him, but he is dense when it comes to situations like this. So my goal is to find a way to get him to realize without jeopardizing my facade.

Today I woke up in the morning and was asked one of the most unwanted questions by one of the most hated people.

"Dr. Y/n we need you to see Dr. Paige, privately."-Randall

"What's wrong?"

I try to sound as concerned as I could be.

"You aren't in trouble, she just needs to talk privately with you."-Randall

I stay quiet and I was put in the room with Dr. Paige. She had her back to me as she looked out of one of her windows. She had a clear view of the ocean and the forest. She obviously wanted me to get comfortable with her and lose the tension as she starts a basic topic.

"Isn't it strange? The world looks at peace from this view. No cranks, no sign of a Flare, and last night there was fresh snow. No one would be able to tell that something was wrong."-Ava

"Yeah, that is true but we all know how terrible it really is outside. The earth was never good, to begin with. I suppose it's our fault for ruining it isn't it."

"What do you mean?"-Ava

"Before when there was no Flare and the sun didn't scorch the land. We had plenty of our own problems for sure."

"Right." Dr. Paige comes and sits in her chair by her desk and motions me to sit down in front of her. "I'm not Chancellor yet and I don't know when I will be. Although I do think you need to know the truth or some truths. You are smart Y/n, I knew we wouldn't have been able to keep it from you for much longer. I wanted to wait until after the first batch of kids went in. Although I think it's better to do it now."-Ava

"Can you tell me what it's about?"

I was hoping she would mention something about the blue substance and that people have been using it for their own selfish reasons. If she did then it would make me feel a little worried, but at least it would confirm that she has a strong trust in me. Although at the same time I wished she didn't because it meant that she either doesn't know or that she knows that what she is doing is wrong and she has some guilt.

"The Flare was actually man-made. It was just a science experiment gone wrong. The military wanted to use it as a weapon and had tried it on a few people but that went very wrong as it spread faster than we could have expected. We couldn't maintain it, we thought we were all goners and not to mention the sun scorching the land. Things weren't looking too well. Then you guys showed up, the immunes. There was a hope for us. If only we could understand how you guys survive through this. It's funny how you answered me earlier, saying that people have always been the cause of problems, and I'm not going to say you are wrong. You are entirely right, except most of us have united to find a cure, and to save humanity so when there is a big threat of our extinction we actually find a middle, a halfway point, where we all can agree to finally do something for the greater good."-Ava

"I know what you mean, it's a real accomplishment for sure. Although I must say I'm not too surprised by how the Flare started. Of course, it would be a human's constant want for power. It was going to be a matter of time before humans were going to be the cause of their own demise."

"You seem to have a strong disdain for people."-Ava

"Not exactly. I have a strong dislike of the one whose major goal is to control. I understand what you are doing, you are trying to do something for the greater good, you aren't like the others, because you are wanting to do it for others. Am I right?"

"Yes. Thank you for your insight and understanding. Before you leave how is the Flat Trans project going?"-Ava

"Significant progress has been made. I should have it fully directed and reassembled in a couple of weeks. I'm trying to be careful so I don't destroy it, that's why I am taking my time."

"Of course, it means more accurate results. Thank you, you can go."-Ava

I leave the room and breathe out a long breath. I was so scared. I almost gave myself away, good thing I was able to land on my feet. It went well and it seems she has stronger trust in me now. I need to see Newt, I need to calm down.

"Newt?" I call for him in my head.

"Hey, what's up?"-Newt

"Can I meet up with you?"

"Of course."-Newt

He sounded very happy to hear the idea of me seeing him and it made me happy to hear that as well. It made the feeling of actually seeing him better than hearing him. I quickly give him a long-awaited hug and sit down next to him. We were alone for now and for the most part we just talked and held hands. I didn't need much just the comfort of knowing he was fine. How much longer until I can leave with you Newt?

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