Chapter 28

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Being in the observation room with Thomas and Chuck was always fun. Both me and Thomas loved to feel like we were a part of the group and that's what made us closer than ever before. I wouldn't cry as much as I used to, I still miss him so much but at least now I wasn't crying every time he would mention something remotely close to something he would say to me. When I look at him through the Beetle Blade I notice how much taller he has gotten and that still makes me cry. I remember myself thinking about how Newt used to be shorter than me and slowly he was growing taller by the day. I wished I had said something cheesy while I still had the chance.

Listening to them joke around has felt like things have never changed. It felt to me like they remembered whenever they were joking around. It felt like the old times and that would put a smile on my face.

Thomas and Teresa were going out to test the Flat Trans that I fixed up. I didn't go with them because Chancellor Paige asked me to stay. Although Thomas told me where the Flat Trans was located and that it worked. It meant that we had an escape route and a real good one. It was meant for Phase Two for when they get out of the maze but I'm going to ruin those plans when they get out.

Although I don't know if this makes me crazy, I was actually happy to hear that Randall was dead. It may have scarred my brother, his death, but I couldn't help but feel happy to hear that. He was such a terrible person and deserved to not be here any longer, he has survived for way too long after what he had done to me and...well everybody. He was never a good person and never was going to be.

Chuck's insertion day was more painful than any normal insertion day. I didn't want to throw him in there. He was the best kid ever. He helped me through my hard times and through those rough moments. I was going to miss him so much. I was going to miss how he shared his snacks with me when I was sad or how he would hug me when I cried, or how he would make some cheesy joke. He was such a positive person despite being put in a negative place and I think he deserves an award for that not what I think is a punishment. I held tightly onto Chuck's hand as the tears would fall down. I had a bad feeling that he wasn't going to survive, he was significantly younger than the others and so kind-hearted. The good people are always the ones that get hurt and he is such a good person.

Thomas came to me a couple of days after the insertion and told me his plan to get their friends. He was going to insert himself into the maze trials, all of his memories intact. Teresa would follow after him. I had to stop him there.

"What do you mean? Did you tell Teresa?"

"Yeah, she wants to help."-Thomas

I hate to sound like a jerk but I still hate her, and I don't trust her one bit. I have a huge feeling that this was a bad idea. Teresa was someone I could never trust, she has too much faith in the cure. Although I'll give her credit for getting Chancellor Paige to agree with them in letting the 'elites' go to the trials with their memories intact.

Everything was going as planned and I was beginning to not doubt Teresa, she hasn't tattled on us and I am happy that she hasn't. It was January 1st the day of Thomas' insertion and Teresa was going in 24 hours after him. I was in the camera room watching the Gladers. I didn't think they would need me so I took the time to be with Newt, Minho, Alby, and Chuck. Chuck seemed to have gotten along with everyone well and I wished I could be there with him giving him the needed hug and comfort the same way he did with me.

My happy moments were interrupted when two guards quickly came into the room and picked me up and carried me away. I screamed at them wanting to know what was going on. They just take me into the room where a body lies unconscious. I instantly knew what was going on when they threw me in and shut the door locking it from the outside. I could hear the sounds of Randall screaming in my ears the same way he did before but this time with the person I was born with. My only brother, my baby brother, my twin. They are forcing me to take out the memories of the 17 years I've had with Thomas. I couldn't do it.

"I hate you! I hate you so much! Why are you making me suffer?! Why do you want to watch me crumble?!"

No one responded like always, they are either huge cowards or they are laughing at my pain. They are not compassionate at all; they feel no guilt for doing this to me.

"You said you were sorry that Randall did this to me! Well, that was a bucket of crap. I hate you! I hate you WICKED, I hate you, Teresa!"

I knew after a little while I had no choice but to do the job. They weren't going to let me leave the room until I do it and when Thomas becomes conscious again, if I don't do it they will make him go through the water thing again and I don't want to do that to him. I had to do it whether or not I had the choice. I gave my brother a hug as the tears started to come out again. My eyes couldn't get a break. The same words repeated out of my mouth as they always have been.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry brother."

Okay, so this is the end of Book 1 I don't know when I will publish Book 2 but keep on the lookout. Thanks for reading sorry it left off on a sad note, but the next book will have a happy ending.

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now