Chapter 12

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Later that day I was going to go investigate and me and Thomas were waiting in our room. Him to meet up with his friends, me to go and answer my question I have. While we waited, me and Thomas had a conversation.

"Thomas, why are you not upset about me and Newt?"

Thomas turns to look at me as we lay in our beds.

"I don't care if it is Newt, if it was Minho I most certainly would. Minho wouldn't be as considerate to you as I know Newt will. Newt is better at treating you then Minho would. Newt can handle your stubbornness, and he knows how to make you happy. I've even noticed that you and Newt have been happier, especially you. You have been more open than you have ever been, which is good. You seem to have care for more than just others too, you care for yourself now. You both have been a positive influence on each other, which is why I am happy for you two. Also you both remind me of mom and dad."-Thomas

"We do?"

"Yes, have you not noticed?"-Thomas

"No but now I can see it."

"So are you still going to be inconsiderate to all of us still?"-Thomas

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to go on a mission without us, and risking yourself. We care about you and either we all go or none of us."-Thomas

"Newt told you."

"Yeah he did, but don't be mad at him. He did the right thing."-Thomas

"I need to figure this out and if everyone comes than everyone would be in danger and we could get caught." I start stating all of the bad things that could happen and all that Thomas did was listen.

"I think we all understand that."-Thomas

"Fine but only me, and you."

"None or everyone."-Thomas

"Everyone, as in everyone?"

"No just me, you, Newt, and Teresa."-Thomas

"No Teresa."

"Why not?"-Thomas

"She hates me that is why." And other reasons of course, out of everyone helping she is definitely the most devoted and would support such acts if my hypothesis is true.

"I don't think so, but fine."

Thomas was quiet for a little while before he spoke again and we left. Me and Thomas met up with Newt who waited by the closet that we passed by and went with us. I lead them to where I work, sneakily so that we don't get caught. It was more creepy since it was dark in here and the only light came from the hallway lights. We all heard a door opening and immediately hid under my desk. A Psych had passed by the open door and I saw in the hallway three syringe marks on his left arm. My suspicions grew when I saw that and I knew that no one can stop me now.

"I have a bad feeling about this." I say through telepathy to both Newt and Thomas.

"What exactly are you looking for?"-Newt

"I'm looking for my invention, I told them that it shouldn't be used for personal reasons, but hey that's WICKED." I say aloud quietly knowing that WICKED could easily hear what I say through telepathy.

I usher them onward knowing that it is safe now and we see a room that needs an I.D. to get in. I was about to use mine when Thomas stopped me.

"They will know that you got in if you use your I.D." Thomas whispered.

"True we have to find a different way."

"I can help with that."

I turn around and my concentrated face turned straight into a frown. I look over to Thomas knowing that he helped Teresa follow us. Thomas looked away with guilt written all over him. I wasn't happy at all and just stepped away from the door as Teresa hacks her way through.

With hate and sarcasm smothered in my words I talked to Thomas in my head.

"Way to go, brother."

He looked sad and the friend in me felt bad but the sister in me was mad because he didn't listen to me and brought the one person that I know could ruin my investigation. We walked inside and I get in front of everyone as I am the only one here knowing what I am looking for. I find all the evidence I needed in just one jar. It could have been anything but I knew what it was. The blood samples were here and I saw tubes going everywhere until they made drips of the blue substance that I created. There was tons of the blue substance stowed away in small crates. I then noticed three syringes that were used because of the blue substance that marked the edges. I was infuriated, for one there is at least one crank in this building that is jeopardizing everyone, two everyone besides us kids are in on this, and three they are selfish bastards, and I wish I could do something. I want to stop this, but I will get in trouble and they could do terrible things to me, like getting rid of my connection with Newt. I want to stop this but I am weak and even if I did they would continue doing it, they can't be stopped. They are power thirsting humans and I hate them, but I am nothing to them, just a piece of their project.

"Let's go." I said to them with utter defeat laced in my tone.

"What, why?"-Newt

"I can't do anything to stop this."

"And why should you?"-Teresa

Thomas looked at Teresa and for a moment he looked petrified as if he finally sees what I see, but then he stops and sides with her.

"Y/n, it isn't bad, they aren't hurting us, and besides they can probably find a cure this way."-Thomas

"No Thomas, they will never find a cure, and this is terrible, if they publicize the fact that they have a way to slow down the Flare then they will want more, people will demand more, and WICKED, being overdriven by power will give them what they want. They won't care about our friends, in fact they probably will take more and more until we are all drained of life, as if we were farm animals."

Thomas had tears running down his face, he was scared of me. I never yelled at him and hopefully he got what I said. I calmed down and hugged Thomas. Being the older sister I needed to make this right.

"I'm sorry Thomas, but it's true."

We all headed back to our rooms, knowing that we have done enough for today. Thomas was still scared so he slept in my bed with me, and it reminded me of when we were younger, when we were happily outside of WICKED's walls and in the arms of our parents. I snuggled closer to Thomas and hummed the song that calmed him down and he falls asleep listening to my voice. I soon enough do the same. 

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu