Chapter 1

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"Nila wake your ass up before we're late for our first day" Nova screamed from the other end of the hall.

She can really annoy me sometimes but she and Nola are the only people that know my darkest secrets... well not all of them, not even my two best friends Rachel and Justin know. I met Rachel and Justin when we first moved to California at the ending of my freshmen year. I still can't believe they were scared of us. We're nice people when you get to know us.

"Nila are you even dressed, we have until 8:20 to leave" Nola huffed causing me to stop my thoughts.

I took a 20 minute shower cleaning my red hair thoroughly. When I got out there's no doubt about it I have to wear uniform... stupid private school. I decided to wear my plaid pencil skirt getting a good little view of how my ass look, and a tight shirt but not too tight that people can see my boobs and call me a hoe or something but tight and comfortable around my curves and cleavage. I put my earrings in and lotion up my body. I thought about wearing tennis shoes but didn't have time to find them so red wedges it is. Natural is the only type of makeup I wear when it comes to school because who do I need to impress . . . nobody. Too lazy to curl my hair so I just went straight for today, maybe for the whole week, I took one good glance at myself before I left my room.

"Okay are you ready?" I said while walking downstairs.

"Duh we been waiting for you about half an hour now, you know I hate being late for the first day" Nova rolled her eyes standing up to fix the wrinkles in her skirt.

"Yeah Nila you know we need to see who all at school to find out who's the new bitches and the lame ones" we all laughed at what Nola said.

Nola is the oldest and the protective one at that. She always has our back, quick temper at times so people usually bag back when she gets mad cause she be beating ass, we all can fight but her fights be leading to jail time, people take her looks for granted yes she may be calm but when she's mad she's mad. She's my sister but I'm surprise she hasn't spent more than three days in jail, but like I said we are bad asses.

"Earth to Nila, snap out of it shorty" They both said. I blinked three times before snapping out of my thoughts once again.

"Let's just take my car for today" I said grabbing the keys and headed to my black on black Luxury Sedan, it was a birthday present from our daddy a few weeks ago.

Getting in the car I look at both my sisters and realized that we're wearing the same thing even our hair is straight people will never tell us apart but our boyfriends and home girls. I just hope we start this year fresh with no fights, but you know if you're born and raised in the hood or if you see your family fighting then there's no doubt about it, it will be a fight.

Pulled up to the school 20 minutes later, it's one of the biggest private schools in California. I still don't like it because of the bitches here, but hey they aren't worth it because I run this school.

"Hey Nova isn't it you and Corey anniversary today?" I asked.

"Yes" she blushed so hard you can see the red plastered on her cheeks.

Corey and Nova have been dating since sophomore year. They are so cute together, he treats me just like a sister. He's around 5'11, low cut hair, mocha skin color and have brown eyes to die for, and he's also the captain of the basketball team. They're so in love that they hardly fight.

"Did you get each other something?"

"If you call having sex something then yes we did" She giggled and skipped over to him when he walked away from his car.

Wildly Twisted (2012)Where stories live. Discover now