Chapter 2

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Finally got home everyone decided to come over to chill since my house it is bigger than everyone else is... not trying to brag but it's true. My dad is a doctor who does a lot of surgeries and delivering babies. He wasn't always this rich, him and my mom lived in the ghetto when they raised my sisters and I. He went back to school and now he's the best doctor out here. My mom is a business woman that is in charge of the budgets and decisions of her boss law firm company.

"Damn I love your house can I live here?" Brandon yelled from the game room. I couldn't help but laugh because he always asked but hey why not.

"Well sure we have 10 guest rooms... Aye everyone y'all can sleep over if you want just go get some clothes from home." I said holding a glass of water in my hand. I love having all my friends over especially since I live by the beach.

My parents don't be caring for real. Everyone cheered and stopped what they were doing to go check out their guest rooms. Well three of them will be empty because my sisters and I boyfriends will be sleeping in our beds.

"Well since I'm sleeping over do you still want to go on that date I told you about or chill here" Noah asked playing some video game. I never play against him because he's so competitive. I remember junior year we had P.E. together and every time we would play a sport something like basketball and when he would win all he did was rub it in my face and make one of them 'I win at everything comments'.

"We can just chill here just because" I shrugged my shoulders and kissed his cheek then went upstairs to relax in my room. When I get in my room all the girls were in there surrounding Erica with smiles on their faces.

"What's going on here" I said curious falling onto my bed beside them. "Little Miss Erica over here just became Brandon's girlfriend and we all wanted to know the details" Leah said.

I forgot she was here because she always seemed to be shy and quiet sometimes. Erica rolled her eyes and sighed, her long brown hair covering one side of her face.

"Look it's not a big deal you guys" she paused "but damn I'm so happy that he's mines now" We all laughed. She began to tell us how it happen

"Well it happens on our way here when my car broke down on the street before yours and he just so happen to be following behind me so he pulled over and asked if I needed a lift" She took a deep breath before continuing.

"When I got in the car it was quiet for a while then he began telling me about his party Friday and how I should be his date, of course I said yes because he is so sexy. When we pulled up to your house he started to confess on how he liked me since we met and how I should be his girlfriend... all I did was kiss him so um yeah we're dating" She giggled at the end. I'm so happy for them, they been secretly crushing on each other for a long time.

They act so much alike and of course now being the typical cheerleader and football player relationship.

"Nila . . . Nila snap out of it" Alex said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

Alex is the bitchy tomboy type that love talking shit, but still knows how to back it up. She only fights when people talk about her being a lesbian or when people just disrespect her. Oh and yes she's a lesbian. Alex used to like me but I had to tell her ass I'm the straightest bitch here.

"Oh I'm sorry I was just thinking about stuff but hey we should go shopping for party dresses and I need something sexy to wear for Noah since we're staying here in my bed." I winked and all the girls quickly got off my bed and stood up whipping their butts clean.

"Hey I didn't say we did anything right now" I grabbed my purse and cell phone and headed out the door. They came out a minute later with their purses.

Wildly Twisted (2012)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant