Chapter 12

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I feel like such a grown up right now going to school on the internet, have a job at a good clothing store and a nice apartment. I'm still pregnant but 9 months now, I know almost time to pop this boy out. My family and friends are finally about to come visit me, they haven't seen me since I left to move here. I miss them so much I just hope they didn't tell Noah because he doesn't deserve to see me. While waiting for my family and some of my friends to get here I rush to the kitchen to get a little snack because this boy has been kicking me for a whole 30 minutes now, hungry ass.

"Alright mommy's about to feed you" rubbing my belly, the kicking suddenly stopped. The first time I felt him kick was when I was taking my school courses on my laptop I was 6 months, at first his feet scared me and kind of hurt but damn did it felt magical. I smiled wanted to tell everyone so they could come feel but I couldn't.

My phone started ringing in the middle of my little flash back

"Hello" I said reaching for some Oreos, I been eating a lot of snacks lately

"Nila, oh my god I miss you, which apartment is yours we're pulling up?" Erica cheerfully asked I missed her crazy ass like hell.

"It's apartment D" after that she hung up; the only friends that are coming are Corey, Mike, Brandon, Erica, Justin, Rachel and Leah. Alex, Nick, Jay and Vince are doing college visits right now so they couldn't make it, yeah I missed prom and graduation. Of course my siblings and daddy are coming they must be here for the birth, I know I said I wouldn't tell them until after but I missed them so much and I couldn't do this alone. Putting on a different shirt I grabbed my Oreos and milk and went to go watch TV until they find my apartment. The only thing I hate about this pregnant shit so far is that it takes a long time sitting down and getting back up especially if it's a couch. Finally taking a seat I heard a knock on the door 'What the fuck I just sat down' I said to myself

"Coming" I yelled as soon as I got up from the couch. I thought I was going to look like my mother when she was pregnant and not show that much but damn did I get big (not as in fat though). Opening the door all eye's landed on my really noticeable stomach, I was getting so big I had to buy a whole new set of clothes and shoes.

"Come in" I said opening the door a little wider, I may live in an apartment but the inside look like a house with all the space I have. Once everyone came in I went back to my seat but this time Justin and Nate helped me.

"Thanks" reaching for my milk and Oreos. The room turned into an awkward silence for a minute until Dad came out

"Nila we all missed you so much but I am proud of you that you are safe and have somewhere to live" Everyone agreed by nodding.

"So did you choose a name?" Rachel asked scooting over to touch my stomach, looking at everyone who was all waiting for my answer.

"Yes I did, Nolan Chase Williams" Putting my hair in a bun. "I wanted to stop the N's in the family but I couldn't find nothing that made me scream yes" explaining.

"Well I don't care about the name as long as he's healthy it's all good" Justin said causing everyone to laugh.

"So has he been kicking a lot?" Nate asked from the kitchen

"Yes to much in fact, he kicks even more when he's hungry, come feel" guiding everyone to feel, seeing their face light up is the best part, Nate's reaction touched me because he was scared at first but when he put both hands on my stomach he smiled and began talking to Nolan

"Hey man I'm going to be the best uncle you could ask for" Corey and Mike cut him off before he could finish

"Hey so are we!" sounding like little babies "Oh hush" Nova said.

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