Chapter 7

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It's finally Saturday and I decided to just chill at home in my family room. To cold outside, I would let Noah come over but he's too busy helping his mom plan out Thanksgiving. Every year his family including his dad go all out for holidays at their house and since its' Thanksgiving month they're going all out. Even though he can't come over doesn't mean we can't text. We been engaged for 3 days but it feels longer than that.

I'm sitting on my favorite red love couch in the family room watching my favorite kid movie 'Toy Story 3' in my Donald Duck pajamas drinking cranberry juice. Everyone is gone but Nate who I guess is on the phone with Amber the waitress from T.G.I.F., it's hilarious how Nate said he don't like good girls but now dating one. They started the day after my anniversary/engagement with Noah. Grrrr . . . my stomach growled at me begging for food. Maybe my sandwich from Subway would shut my stomach up. Putting on my bunny slippers and headed to the kitchen. I stopped halfway to the kitchen when I heard my ringtone 'Sexy and I Know It' playing I know the song old but this will always be my song due to the fact I am sexy and I do know it, must be Noah calling since I told him to call.

"Hey baby" I said blushing

"This isn't you baby it's your boss" a deep husky voice said. Damn I haven't heard from him in two months. I thought I was fired.

"Oh uh hi"

"Look Nila I know I haven't talk to you in a while but I need you tonight to sell this man some weed"

Shit why today? Even though I can sell it but still today is my chill day. I sighed loudly before replying.

"Fine what kind of weed and where at?"

"He said OG Kush and behind the small drugstore two blocks from your house"

I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards the kitchen.

"Okay be there in an hour or so" he said then hung up the phone.

I slammed my phone down on the kitchen table and looked for my sandwich.

After heating it up, I smashed that sandwich like a tiger eating the shit out of a zebra from limb to limb. Throwing away my trash I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs to change clothes. Noah texts me right when I got into my bedroom:

-Hey baby what you doing?-

I couldn't tell him what I was about to do, he'll probably stop what he's doing and drive over here to stop me from going but I couldn't lie either:

-Oh nothing just to do my last weed sell and come home-

Didn't text me back so I just shrugged and went through my closet, I just chose some jogging pants and a Nike t-shirt. While still waiting for Noah to reply I took me a quick shower, getting out putting my hair in a messy bun.

'-Well make this your last one and be safe baby :(-' putting a sad face. I hate hurting his feelings because I know he wouldn't hurt my feelings. I didn't even reply just put my phone and money in my pocket, making my way to my weed closet behind my actual closet. I love the smell of weed. I grabbed the kind the man wanted and some for me. I closed my closet and headed out my bedroom door and downstairs.

"Nate I'll be back I'm going to the store" I yelled from down stair.

"Okay" he yelled back.

I closed the front door and sat on the porch to set my weed I was about to smoke on my way to make this sell, placed it inside my strawberry swisher sweet and rolled it and licked, then light the sucker up. The best feeling is inhaling and exhaling, feels so good. I walked off my porch and walked down the street to the drug store. I fucking hate my boss, he always wants me to sell when I'm busy. Just so happy this is my last one. It's only 9 o'clock at night and it feels like 11, what type of shit is that. Still smoking my weed, I put the customers weed in my pocket. For some reason I feel something bad is going to happen during this sell, but I can't really put a finger on it.

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