Chapter 11

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It's been two months and I am finally 4 months and 3weeks pregnant. I am about to go find out what I'm having today. The reason why I said 'what I'm having' is because Noah is out of the picture until a few more weeks, I've been visiting him every other day though talking about everything especially about names for the baby, but no cute names popped up.

"Nila you ready?" dad said from down stairs. "Yes I'm coming" putting on my jacket and left the room. Since it's a school day Nate, Nola and Nova couldn't come so I decided to tell them when I get to school after. I haven't talked to Noah for two weeks only because the last two weeks I had a bunch of work to catch up on and my dad put me on bed rest, I started having really bad headaches and bad problems. I didn't even get to show him how big I'm getting (well not that big). I can still fit some of my clothes.

"You ready?" I said to my dad walking to his car

"Of course I get to find out if you're having my grandson or granddaughter" Smiling big putting his phone in his pocket.

"Well let's get this thing going" Rubbing my belly just like Gibby off of 'I-Carly' both of us laughed then stopped when he started the car and drove down the street to the doctor's office.

"So have you talked to Noah yet?" Dad asked looking to me then back to the road. I shook my head

"No, not in 2 weeks and in one more week or so I'll be five months" Looking back to my phone playing Bubble Shooter. "Well go by there after school" I nodded.

The rest of the ride was awkwardly silent. Parking the car, we both took a deep breath.

"Let's go" Dad said I showed him a small smile because I was kind of nervous but hey I want to find out.

"Hello I'm Nila White, I have an appointment with Dr. Shar" Smiling at this female assistant. She smiled back and looked in the appointment book.

"Oh yes Miss White, follow me" She said getting out her seat to be the leader and showed me and daddy to the doctor's room.

"She will be here in a little bit but for the mean time lay down on the lay back chair" I nodded and did as told. She left right after I sat down. My phone started vibrating, from Rachel:

'Hey did you find out everyone is dying to know'

I smiled at the text message

'Nope not yet I'm about to though so ttyl'

Putting my phone back in my purse I sat in the chair waiting for the doctor, while my dad do some business shit on his phone. I still didn't get why my dad didn't do my appointment since he is a pediatrician and OB/GYN too.

"Hello there" The doctor said taking a seat next to me.

"Hello" smiling up at her and rubbing my stomach.

"So your four months now huh?" I nodded.

"Well do you have a wish of what you want to have?" I shook my head because I really don't care what I have.

"Well let's find out" smiling I lifted up my shirt showing off my perfectly small but notice baby bump. She put on some gloves and squirted some cold clear stuff on my stomach. I jumped a little when she rubbed it all around my baby bump. I saw a baby on the screen, it was so beautiful I started tearing up. I can't believe I'm going to be a mother in just a few more months. With Noah, the baby and I; my life is going to be fully complete.

"Boy or girl?" I asked looking from the monitor screen to the doctor, it took her a while to respond probably trying to find the private part.

"Well it looks like you're having a baby boy" Shit a boy, yes I always wanted a boy, no offense to the girls but boys are just easier and less emotional.

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