Chapter 19

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It's been a few weeks since the incident and I just got done telling everyone about what happen; my family including Justin and Rachel didn't take it well. My dad, Nate and Justin was furious saying if he gets released from jail it's on. Nova, Nola and Rachel just asked why I didn't let them know to start a riot.

My family is crazy. Right now I am at my dad house, everyone is downstairs. When I say everyone I mean Noah's mom, Tori, Libby, her boyfriend Cameron, and my friends and family except Nate since he had to work, even my mom is here. As for me I am upstairs getting Nolan ready to meet his grandma for the first time and to play with Lauren (Libby's daughter).

"You' ready big boy?" I ask picking him up to place him on the floor so we can walk hand in hand downstairs.

My dad is doing this new family and friend circle discussion. He claims we don't talk or get updated on anything about each other no more. Right when I was about to show Nolan his grandma my dad stopped me.

"Show him after the discussion take him down to the game room, Christina and Lauren are there" I nodded and did as told.

When I got back in the family room, all the couches and chairs were in a circle, a table in the middle with tissue and two plates of cut sandwiches. Everyone was already taking their seats, right when we were about to start it was a knock on the door. I went to open it revealing Jay and Vince.

"Hey are we late?" Vince asked coming inside with Jay following.

"Nope just about to start so hurry up" they took their seats next to Noah and I. Once everyone was there my dad got up to talk.

"Okay this is what we're going to do, go around the room and say anything that is on your mind" sitting back down "Oh and I did this because we all haven't talked to each other in a few weeks or so and Erica you start" nodding to Erica who was sitting next to him.

"Well . . . um I moved into Brandon's apartment a week ago and I am 2 weeks pregnant" Everyone congratulated both of them, Erica blushing but soon stopped to eat four sandwiches. Yup the cravings begin.

"Since she told you the surprise I'm going to be starting college this fall to get my masters in graphic design but also want to say that I'm going to be a blood donor to my mother in a few days since she's not well" Brandon said giving everyone a sad smile. I respect him for doing that.

"Justin go" dad said

"Oh yeah uh well I . . . okay I used to love you more than a friend Nila" when he said my name Noah tensed up, I guess Justin seen that so he continued "but I stopped because I knew we would never happen" he turned to Leah "after us hanging out last week at the carnival I couldn't help but catch feelings for you . . . Leah I want to be yours" he confessed, everyone mouths dropped even Leah's was.

"Yes you can just don't fuck up alright" she gave him the death glare that made Justin quickly nod.

"My turn!" Leah said getting comfortable in her seat.

"I just got kicked out of college because my mom had stolen some of my college money using someone else's name and bank account, so now she's in jail serving 5 years" shaking her head "But my dad is moving into our house from Florida, anyway I have to go to a community college 'till I raise enough money" she finished. I never knew Leah's mom Lisa would do that, she doesn't even look like the type to do that either. Alex voice cut my thoughts off.

"I just dumped that hoe Taylor, caught her cheating but yeah single" she shrugged eating her sandwich. What is up with these cheating girlfriends, first Amber now Taylor. Can people ever just be faithful to their man or woman?

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