Chapter 10

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I must have been sleep for like 5 hours because I woke up at 8, with my hair all messed up and one sock on. Yawning I made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower and then see what all my friends are doing. I'm so stressed out with this wedding because people keep asking to come I be like 'um do I know you', then I'm stressed out for having a baby when I know I shouldn't be stressed because I'm happy it's Noah's and I just keep thinking about my crack headed mother. Hopping in the shower I relaxed myself as the cold water turn into warm, getting my body soaking wet. In the middle of my shower my cell phone starts ringing

"Damn it, why now?" I said putting my strawberry scented soap down and got out the shower feeling the cold breeze hit me. Rapping a towel around my body I rushed out the bathroom to hurry and answer my phone. I hate missing phone calls.

'Hello" catching my breath

"Nila! Come down to the police station now, Noah been arrested" Jay said. My eyes shot open, my body stiffened my hand lost its grip on the phone making it hit the floor. Running to the closet I threw on a white tank top and some Nike purple pants. Didn't bother blow drying my hair, just left it wet while the water drip down my back sending me cold shivers. Running to the bathroom I turned off the shower then grabbed my keys and cell phone off the floor and ran out of my room, down the stairs and to my car. So fucking pissed off right now, what did Noah do now? He better be able to get out tonight or tomorrow because we have a wedding to plan and baby shit to do. Driving fast down the street to the police department still doing the right speed limit, I hate when he gets arrested for stupid shit.

Walking into the police station I see Jay, Nick and Brandon sitting in the waiting chairs. Brandon looked worried talking to someone one the phone, this is the last time Noah can get arrested before he can't graduate or go to prom; he need to get his shit together. Jay and Nick scared as fuck and high as fuck too for some reason. I ran over to the where they were holding my keys and phone in one hand and the other hand combing through my damped hair.

"What happen, where is he?" getting louder and louder full of anger

"Nila calm down"

"Calm down? This is the fifth time in two years that he been arrested!" pushing Nick out my way pointing at Jay who told me to calm down. Jay looking scared his light blue eyes went wide with fright on how angry I got, people tell me I look like a devil.

"Look just sit down and we'll explain everything" Nick said rubbing my back now walking me to an empty waiting seat.

"Look" Nick started taking a deep breath sitting in front of me. Brandon was standing against the wall looking down not saying a word, Jay right beside me.

"Okay well when we left your place we went to Brandon house to chill you know?" I nodded.

"Well Austin was sitting on the porch when he knew he shouldn't be there. Noah was already pissed off"

"Oh shit what happen?" shaking my hand not wanting to hear the rest but I had to. Nick stayed quiet.

"Well?" I said getting louder looking directly at Nick now with a little bit of small tears forming in my eyes.

"Austin said something smart about you and Noah didn't appreciate it so they started fighting but you know Noah used to box so well . . . he uh . . . put Austin in a coma and his parents want him to have life but we're trying to get it to be lower I called my dad down here he's talking to one of the cops now." Jay said since Nick couldn't. Jay's father is the best lawyer he's the one who always get Noah out sometimes with bail money. Noah put Austin in a coma??? This is exactly why I have to keep him calm when he around people that he doesn't like. I was about to say something but I couldn't my words were all choked up in my throat. I just buried my face into my hands and stayed quiet.

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