Chapter 17

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7 Months later

I been working at the strip club for 8 months now, and I kind of like it I mean the girls are cool. Tonight Christina is watching Nolan because I have to go to work (Strip) and Noah is going out for boys' night with our homeboys and some dudes I don't know.

Waiting for my turn to go strip I fixed my hair with my fingers.

"Everyone give it up for Desire" I walked out on stage when 'Strip Club' By Tink came on.

All the men and a small amount of women clapped and cheered. I smirked while making my way to the pole doing my thing shaking my ass. Facing the crowd who was throwing money at me some white boy got up and stormed out so did a few of his boys that followed behind him. I shrugged my shoulders and kept doing my thang.

Getting off stage I made my way to Tori and another stripper friend name Libby, she's very gorgeous; caramel skin, thick like me, hazel eyes with a dark brown sugar like hair color.

I changed clothes and stuffed my money into my bag but I had to count first '375'. Before I could leave Libby stopped me when my hand was on the door knob by her loud ass mouth. I swear she act just like Nova and Erica.

"Say hi to my husband for me" she yelled, I bust out laughing this girl loves my son and she only seen pictures of him.

Walking out I stopped when I saw Noah standing there looking pissed off.

"N-Noah, what are you doing here?" I asked getting nervous.

"Well I was out with the boys and we came here to see strippers, then I see my girl up there stripping" he gotten louder making me flinch in fright. I mean I seen him mad at me but not this mad.

"If you let me fucking explain, you'll understand and not get mad" I raised my voice back at him to let him know he's not just going to yell at me like I'm his little bitch.

"Now let's go to my car so I can tell your ass why I'm stripping" I said moving pass him, I knew he was following me because I heard his big feet ass.

Sighing I threw my stuff in the back seat then got into the driver seat. Noah got in slamming the door behind him . . . guessing he's still mad.

"Don't slam my damn door" rolled my eyes at me.

"Whatever now tell me!" I sighed before telling him, after I tell him I'm going to really have to protect my family because Austin might come after us or get someone.

"I wanted to talk here so he wouldn't hear me" I said looking out my windows. Noah gave me a confused but still angry look.

"Who's he?"

"A . . . Austin he's back and he's blackmailing me" I began to shed a few tears.

"Wait how the hell do he know you back?" I didn't answer I just kept to the story.

"The day you got me Shade was the day it happened I met him at Starbucks but I didn't know it was him that was texting me, after he told me about a stripping job I said no but he said he'll kill Nolan or you or even worst give him away to my mom who is a druggie and can easily sell him if I tell or not take the job" I was crying I been holding in these tears for so long. By the time I was done I didn't make eye contact with Noah . . . I just couldn't.

"Baby why didn't you tell me?" he asked rubbing my back.

"Because I just said he'll kill or take Nolan if I tell, I mean yes he's younger than all of us but damn he knows how to get under my skin . . . and dammit Noah all he wants is me so he'll do anything to have me" his eyes hardened with sadness and full out anger.

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