Chapter 20

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I can't believe this day is finally here, everything is going perfectly fine. I never really talked about the wedding plans before because for some reason the wedding planner (Noah's mom) never changed nothing we had just added Libby, Tori, Cameron and Lauren as the flower girl. Nolan is walking now but don't trust him with rings so we handed that Ring Holder job to my 7 year-old cousin Trey.

Right now at the moment I am having a nervous breakdown in the hotel room. I haven't been this nervous since I was on my last month of carrying Nolan.

"Tori can you give me some water" I said breathing hard looking at myself in the mirror with my white dress on. Sleeveless with a heart shaped cut and beaded with jewels, the lower half was fitted perfectly around my body (Glad I lost the baby fat when I did). I had a train in the back but not too long. For my hair I didn't want it all up because I was going to be dancing and changing outfits for the reception so I had Libby put my hair in one gorgeous fish tail braid, she added little tropical colored flowers into the ponytail since we were going to be on the beach in Hawaii. My makeup was perfect thanks to Erica who might I say is getting big with my god son.

"Here you go" Tori said handing me the water. All the girls looked pretty, each had a fish tail braid. Their dresses were white with straps medium length stopping to their knees and an ocean blue color with a little bit of green at the bottom.

"Thanks" I said shaky.

"Girl calm down" my mom said with Nolan who was holding her hand looking so handsome in his little tux.

"Mommy" Nolan said letting go of my mom hand and ran over to me.

"Hi baby" I cooed kissed his forehead. He rested his head on my shoulder making circles on my back with his fingers.

"Mom I'm fine, just scared what if he gets cold feet o-or run out or just walk in and say the weddings off" by now I am freaking out I know he wouldn't do that but what if you know?

My mom looked at every girl in the room, some shook their heads others were too busy doing make up to trip off my crazy talk. She then looked back to me.

"Girl he is not going to do that he loves you too much and if he does just let momma handle it" she smirked while popping her knuckles I couldn't help but laugh she still that crazy mom I know . . . and love.

Before I could respond my dad long lost sister Lena walked in; when I first met her I thought her name was going to be with an 'N' like the rest of them. She walked in with a similar dress suit my mom had on but orange while moms green. She was white with long brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt but the wedding is about to start and Nila I am happy for you" she blew everyone a kiss then left but not before taking Nolan to go back to Noah and the other boys.

"Alright let's get going" Nova said walking over to me to help with my dress.

Getting out to where the wedding was being held, well I was inside waiting so Noah and the other guest won't see me. The maid of honor and best man who is Rachel and Corey went out first. My heart was beating faster and faster when less people were by me until it was just me and dad. He must have seen my nervousness because he put his hand in mines.

"Shh relax it's going to be perfect" Showing his charming smile, I just smiled back and faced the front again.

Suddenly people started staring at us with smiles but my eyes were locked on Noah, looking so handsome in his tuxedo. Scanning his body my eyes looked back up to his eyes that showed all happiness and love. I can't believe I'm marring my high school sweetheart.

For some reason I was now face to face with him, damn was we walking while I was staring. I really need to stop that day dreaming.

"You look beautiful" he mouthed making me blush. Everyone soon began to take their seats again and the pastor began to speak.

"We are all here today to celebrate these two love birds in getting married" I laughed at the words 'love birds'

"If you two would like to say your vows" motioning us with his hand to start.

"I guess I'll go first" I said pulling out a pink sheet a paper.

"Noah at first we were enemies, I hated you but I also loved you deep down inside. The day we started dating was the day I could finally express my feelings for you. You are my first everything. Today I can finally say you are mines forever, I am so ready to be your Mrs. Williams" I shed a few tears that Noah so kindly whipped away. I folded the paper back up and handed it to Rachel.

"My turn now" Noah smirked, he didn't even use no paper.

"Nila, I love you so much even when we were enemies, you make me happy I knew from day one I would marry you and look it came true" he chuckled "but yes I am honestly happy you're going to be my wife and you're my first everything too" he never stopped looking at me while he was talking "I love you" After those words came out I just kissed him one long kiss.

"Well okay then" the pastor said making everyone laugh.

"I now announce you Mr. and Mrs. Williams" the pastor smiled, I thought he was going to do the 'I Do' speech but I guess since we already kissed and he's Noah uncle he knows our life story.

The guest started clapping Nolan pushed out of Lena's arms and ran over to us I picked him up when the photographer came over.

"Hey can I get a picture of the beautiful family" he said.


"Mommy can I watch TV" Nolan said I bet Nate gave him some sweets because he's so hyper right now.

"Okay you and the other kids go upstairs" I called Christina over to come take him upstairs to the kid's room.

When he left it was just me and Noah, everyone went into the reception hall to find their seats.

"Baby meet me in the lobby I have to go change" I kissed his cheek.

"Okay" He nodded and walked me to the elevator.

"Don't take long" He whispered, I waved him away and stepped inside. Pushing number 5 I took deep breathes before stepping back out the elevator. A few people saw me when I stepped out.

"Congratulations" some lady said while others handed me flowers.

"Thank you" I smiled widely.

Stepping into my room I rushed inside and started unzipping my dress. I laid it perfectly on the bed so I won't mess it up.

Getting my party wedding dress out of the closet I zipped it up and put on my silver shoes, it looked just like my wedding dress but shorter and no train in the back. I smiled at myself in the mirror. Rushing back down to the lobby Noah was sitting in one of the chairs playing with his fingers.

"Come on husband we have people to see and food to eat" walking passed him, he quickly lifted up his head when he saw me his eyes looked me up and down then bit his lip.

"Yes honey"

Walking inside the announcer spotted us.

"Give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Noah Williams" Everyone cheered and clapped as we made our way to the bride and groom table. The bridesmaids and groomsmen sat on the other side of us.

Everything was perfect; had delicious food, danced with my mother then with my father and Nova and Nick entertained the crowd with stuff they know about us. So far I love this day.

"Excuse me I think it's time for the bride and groom to dance" Nola got the microphone from the DJ.

Noah and I walked to the dance floor. The DJ started playing our song 'A Thousand Years'. He instantly wrapped his hands around my waist as I did the same around his neck moving back and forth just listening to the song.

"Nila I'm so happy I have you back and mines forever" he said with full of honesty.

"I am too I love you Noah" I kissed him.

"I love you too forever" he deepened the kiss.

Wildly Twisted (2012)Where stories live. Discover now