Chapter 4

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After the whole abortion thing I felt a little bit happier to know I won't be having that assholes baby but the other side of me feels like a bad person for killing a child of God. I can feel myself going back to the real Nila but I'm still a little jumpy when I get touched even when Noah wants to have sex or just spend time with me but hey he's been waiting patiently. I still haven't told anyone about what happen.

"Nila" Leah said shaking my shoulders. I blinked before snapping out of my thoughts once again.

"Huh?" was all I could say.

"I was saying do you want to go over Brandon house to hang out?" my head shot up. I haven't been over there since the incident. I can't go what if he's there . . . wait he can't be there.

Stop being silly Nila it's not like their related and he probably don't even know them.

"Yeah sure come on" I said grabbing my phone and purse. Since we were all at Leah house it was like five minutes away. We all live pretty close together probably because after we all started getting close we asked our parents to move somewhat closer to each other.

"Hey everyone" Brandon said when he opened the door with a mouth full of chip. Typical Brandon.

"Oh shits Nila you're here . . . you just don't know how much we all missed you" Jay said running up to me hugging me tightly. I hugged him back, he let go smiling and walked off.

We all said hi when we walked in the door. His house looked a little different since I last been here. Maybe it's just the arranged furniture I guess. Noah, Corey, Nova and I sat on one couch while Erica, Brandon, Justin, and Rachel sat on the other one. Everyone else sat on tables and bean bag chairs. It felt good to be back with all my friends laughing and joking around.

"Baby are you okay" Noah asked with concern in his eyes "Yeah I'm fine why you asked that?" he shrugged putting me on his lap while he continued to play 2k13.

Everything was fine until a boy walked in giving Brandon a man hug. His green eyes landed straight on mines. Please don't let that be Austin. When they stopped hugging and having a conversation I saw his blonde hair. Shit. All he did was smirk at me then winked.

"Everyone this is my cousin Austin he's a sophomore at our school" Brandon said to everyone who stopped and looked at Austin. He went around meeting all my friends. Some of them got along with him but my sisters were curious since I told them about the boy name Austin who raped me. When he got to me my whole body stiffened up.

"Austin this is Nila, Nila this is Au-" Brandon said but I cut him off "I already know him now get him the fuck away from me" I yelled making everyone turn towards us.

Brandon mouth dropped and raised his eyebrows full of confusion.

"Nila what the . . . oh shit this is the ass isn't it?" Nola hisses looking him up and down.

"Yes it's him please get him away from me" I said getting off the couch to leave.

"Wait what is going on?" Noah said holding my hand so I won't go no further. Well I guess this is the day everyone needs to know. I took a deep breath and tried to contain my emotions but the sad side of me came out and began to cry.

"He raped me" I whispered looking down to the wooden floor.

"What you say?" Corey said lightly but still sounded upset, he hated seeing his girlfriend Nova or her sisters like me cry.

"I said he raped me, you hear that" I shot my head up yelling pointing directly at Austin who was shocked that I told our little secret and angry his eyes turned from the light green to the dark green I be having dreams about. I was crying even more now.

Wildly Twisted (2012)Where stories live. Discover now