Chapter 5

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"Nila look I know you said you was okay but are you sure?" Erica said rubbing my hand looking at me with concern all writing in her dark brown eyes.

"I'm fine really just a little freaked out about seeing him around school but other than that I'm fine" I said before eating a cheeseburger.

Brandon was sitting right next to her just staring at me looking upset. He seemed so guilty for bringing Austin to our little get together.

"I just think once Noah finds him it's all over for Austin" I sighed.

I wanted Austin to get his ass kicked but Noah's the type of person that will keep fighting until that person can't breathe or until that person gives up. Noah walked over to our table right after I said that, his face was serious no happiness like it normally is around this time. Everyone appeared at the lunch table as well. The girls were back to normal smiling and laughing but the boys were pissed still especially Justin, Corey, Nick and Mike. Jay and Vince weren't tripping that much because they were too busy kissing and talking about lovey dovey shit.

"Hey baby" I said kissing his cheek "Hey" he replied hugging me by the waist. Today he smelt like man soap. Is it weird to inhale your boyfriends scent if they smell good? Because I do it every day.

"Are you okay?" he asked smirking and raising one of his eyebrows. I blushed laying my head on his shoulder and nodded. He chuckled and shook his head. It feels good to be back to my old self talking to my friends and sexy boyfriend, but there's still that little side of me that's terrified and still self-conscious about my body and feelings.

"Baby you know our anniversary is Wednesday" Noah said kissing my forehead then began drinking his soda. I straight forgot about that, now I feel bad for forgetting our special day. Damn I feel stupid, I been going through all this bullshit that I haven't even started planning.

"You forgot didn't you" He said frowning "I . . . I . . . I'm sorry Noah, I been busy and" cutting me off putting his soft hand over my mouth.

"Hush, you talk too much" smiling "but honey I'm not tripping no more all I'm going to tell you is that you have until Wednesday to get me a gift" smirking removing his hand from my mouth, I nodded and continued to eat and listen to Rachel and Justin argue over the last chocolate chip cookie.

After lunch I walked to my AP Chemistry Class. I guess Mr. Fitz decided it was an off day since there's a substitute sitting at his desk. I rolled my eyes when I walked in the class room. The man standing in front of me that is the sub just stared at me shyly and I guess was thinking of something to say. He looked so familiar though

"Excuse me can I go to my seat?" I said trying to walk pass him, he cleared his throat.

"Oh, oh yes sorry" moved out my way letting me through. He looked 23 or at least 25. I sat in my original seat by the window in the back with Nick in front by Brandon and Leah sitting next to me.

"Hello class I'm Mr. White and your permanent teacher for the rest of the year since Mr. Fitz is going through some things" He said writing his name on the board.

My eyes shot up when he said his last name, he looked just like me well my dad in the case, expect for the green eyes that look just like mines. Short red hair that stops to his ears, tall, and skinny but built with muscles, long eyelashes like everyone in my family, beige color skin and a perfect jaw line showing off his bone structure. Wait what is that on his neck? Oh shit this can't be! He can't be. . . How? I stared at the small heart shaped birthmark on his neck. Nobody has them but my family they can be anywhere on their body and his is on the left side of his neck just like mines. They came from my dad side of the family. How can Mr. White be a family member I mean I met all of mom and dad family members, he does look oddly familiar though. Now it's time to investigate and ask questions started with Mr. White then my dad.

Wildly Twisted (2012)Where stories live. Discover now