Chapter 9

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I been feeling so sick for the past few weeks. I just found out I'm a month and a half pregnant, super excited but I really hate throwing up all the time. Nate, Nova and Nola are getting tired of helping me out. Right now at this moment I just got done throwing up what I thought was my guts. I really don't want to eat but I'm always hungry.

"Nila it's time for school" Nate said knocking on the door. I'm so happy my private school finally decided to ban uniform because it was getting on my nerves, since I was already dress I just had to put on my UGG boots.

"Nate can you come here" saying loudly reaching under the bed for my boots. This room of mines just been so messy since all I do is eat, throwing up, sleep, shower and go to school. Nate been kind of distant to me ever since I told him I was pregnant. I mean we talk but not as much anymore.

"Yea what sup?" wearing his suit standing against the wall after he closed my door behind him. Letting out what it sounds like a stretch I finally got my boots, slipping them on I sat down on my bed patting a seat for him.

"Can we talk?" I said after he took a seat.

"Sure about what?" fixing his tie "I just want to know why you been distant ever since I told you that I was pregnant?" brushing my hair to the side braiding it.

"I haven't been distant Nila" he chuckled "I just been shocked that my baby sister is having a baby and getting married before me". I tilted my head; I felt bad knowing that I hurt his feelings or made him feel jealous. Him and Amber only been dating for two months so he's not trying to rush nothing.

"I'm sorry, but look you're going to be the best uncle my son or daughter ever had" putting my hand over his hand smiling he returned the favor and smiled back.

"Now come on, so we won't be late I have students to teach" getting off my bed, I nodded grabbing my purse and headed downstairs.

"Here my baby momma" Noah said leaning up against my locker with Corey and Rachel beside him.

"Hey" I said pushing him out my way to open my locker. Closing my locker back up after getting my notebooks, I hugged Rachel and Corey; the only thing that irritates me about all my closes friends knowing that I'm pregnant is that they keep rubbing my stomach when they know damn well I hate that and plus I'm not even showing. I sighed and walked over to 'all smiles' Noah, I kissed him quickly before the bell rang. I started shivering out of nowhere.

"Here I don't want you to get cold" Noah said pulling off his black jacket showing off his sleeve tattoos. I blushed while taking his jacket, putting it on it stopped pass my butt. Grabbing my waist and pulled me to him, he kissed my neck in front of Rachel and Corey who looked disgusted which made me laugh. The bell started ringing which had startled me.

"See you later Mrs. Williams take care of my niece or nephew" Corey said kissing my cheek then ran down the hall to class.

"Yeah take care of my goddaughter or godson" Rachel said pointing at me with a straight face then winking flipping her hair back and walked down to class hearing her heels all the way down the hall.

"Baby I have to go before Mr. Shore give me detention again. Text me if you need anything" kissing my forehead.

"Okay I will".


The hall way was empty, but not quiet since I was by the gym. I picked up my books inhaling my baby scent in his jacket and walked down the hall. I put my headphones in bopping my head up and down to the music lip singing to 'Sevyn Streeter – Say It'. Walking into my AP Chemistry class all eyes landed on me even Nate. . . I mean Mr. White. Fuck that I'm calling him Nate all school year.

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