PT 8

364 11 1

Jacks Pov
*Where we left off*
He leaned into my neck and he kissed it. Then stepped back. I stared at him, mouth agape.
"Merk... What the hell was that?" He looks at me and he starts to walk away.
"Hey, you should go get Felix... " He walk into his room and closes the door. I look after him and get dressed..
*Time skip to airport*
I sit down on a bench and pull out my phone. Five new notifications. Great.
(F is Felix M is Mark and J is Jack)
M: Jack I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me... Please don't hate me.
J: I don't hate you Mark...
M: but.. I kissed you and you were scared and you probably aren't gay..
J: Mark.. I don't hate you. Leave it please.
M: okay. Has Fe landed yet?
J:yeah I'm waiting for him rn.
M: k see you at home.
J: see you. Xo
*new message*
F: Hey bro! I'm by gate 7!
J:Ok I'll be right there!
F: see you then!
I made my way to gate seven.  I looked around but I couldn't find him. I sat down on a bench next to a man with a hoodie.
"Looking for Felix?" What... How does he know?
"What.. How did you know-"
"Jack.. I'm hurt! You don't recognize me!?" He pulls down his hood to reveal a blonde haired Swede. I laugh and give him a hug.
Mark's POV
Why did I do that! There's no way he likes me... And besides. I'm a vampire. I would only end up hurting him... Him and Felix will be back soon... I should get something to eat before they get back... I get up and walk towards the door. I wish I didn't have to do this. I leave my house and walk to the park. I look around and see a young woman. I walk up to her.
"Hello, nice day for a walk right?"
I smile and hold out my hand to her.
"I'm Mark nice to meet you!" She looks at me concerned, then takes my hand.
"I'm Tiffany.. " We walk for a while until we get by the river. I tell her I have to go to the bathroom and I hide behind a tree. I took a deep breath. I feel my teeth start to lengthen. My senses sharpen as I creep up behind her. She turns around as I put a hand over her mouth. She tries to scream as my fangs pierce her neck. The metallic taste of blood fill my mouth and I drain her entirely. As I walk away I whisper to her, as if she can hear me.
"I am so sorry Tiffany.."

A/N Two updates, One Day! Awww yeah! Been feeling good about myself! Hell I wore makeup to school lmao! 🙂🙃

Vampire Markiplier: A Septiplier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now