PT 11

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Mark's POV
Why did I do that... Fuck. He probably hates me now.. I didn't mean to but his eyes.. They were so bright and they were full of joy.. His lips looked so soft and pink...It felt nice. But now he hates me. Great. I am an official douchebag. I hear him by my door.
"Merk? Are you in there? Please?" I can't say no anymore.. I get up and open the door. He looks at me with an uncertainty. I realized my fangs were out but I didn't put them away.
"Seán.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was being stupid and I-" My words were cut off as the Irishman pushed his lips against mine. I put my arms around his hips and pulled him closer. We stayed like that for what seemed to be hours of pure bliss. Then we broke apart once more. I looked at him smiling as his face turned a bright red. I let out a laugh and pull him into a hug.
"Jack.. I've wanted to tell you this for a while now.. But I've been scared to.. Jack I like you a lot.. More than friends.. But.. I'm a monster.." He looked up at me and smiled.
"Merk.. Ye ain't a monster... Not on the inside.. Ye wouldn't hurt anyone.. I know that.. " I feel guilt stab at my mind.
"Jack.. Don't say that please.. " I pull away and smile at him.
"I'll be back.. Okay?" Without waiting for a response I leave. I run to Tyler's house and bang my fists on the door. I slouch over crying. He opens the door and sees me on the ground.
"Mark? What's wrong dude? Come on.. Get inside.." He helps me up and I latch on to him. I sob on to his shoulder as he brings me inside. He sits me on the couch and I start to calm down. He sits next to me and grabs my hand reassuringly. I smile and feel the tears falling down my face.
"So.. What happened?" He talks to soft.. As if I'm fragile, which I guess I am. I look at him and wipe my eyes.
"He.. Said he likes me.. And that he knows I wouldn't hurt anyone.. Ty... I've hurt two people, And I almost hurt him.. I'm a monster.." He looks at me and laughs.
"Mark.. Before I turned I thought Ethan wouldn't hurt a fly.. Then I found out he killed 5 people.. I was mad, but I understood that he had to do it.." I look at him with pleading eyes.
"I didn't ask for this.. I wanted to confess and live the rest of our lives together... Not me watch him die." Tyler sighs and gets up. He leaves and comes back a few minutes later with a bag of blood. He tosses it to me and I catch it. I poke through the plastic and take a deep sip. I let out a soft groan as I start to feel more awake. I stand up and walk to Tyler. I pull him into a hug. He gives me a bags with Blood bags inside as I go towards the door.
"Thanks man.. I needed this. Tell Ethan that I say hi.. And thank you." I start to leave as Tyler calls out to me.
"No problem Mark, Just remember to stay away from Felix!" I leave and return home.

Vampire Markiplier: A Septiplier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now